Ontario Steps Up Mining, Fertilizer Production Expansion Awards, & Deep Sea CO2 Storage

Ontario Steps Up Mining, Fertilizer Production Expansion Awards, & Deep Sea CO2 Storage

But first…

The Biden-Harris Administration’s US Department of Energy has announced the largest investment in industrial decarbonization in American history, with $6 billion in funding going toward the acceleration of projects aimed at decarbonizing energy-intensive industries.?

Updates in Mining

Ontario’s Building More Mines Act

Ontario’s Building More Mines Act

The Ontario government is hoping to attract more investors and make mining in the province easier with their proposed Building More Mines Act, 2023, which would amend the existing Mining Act. Proposed Bill 71 is open for comment through April 16th, 2023.

New Details on the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy

New Details on the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy

Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, has released additional details on Canada’s plan for developing critical minerals in the nation. The press release provides an overview on the allocation of $344 million toward five new programs and initiatives. Read the press release >>?

US & EU Working on Critical Minerals

US & EU Working on Critical Minerals

The US and European Union have agreed to begin talks aimed at “enabling relevant critical minerals extracted or processed in the European Union to count toward requirements for clean vehicles in the Section 30D clean vehicle tax credit of the Inflation Reduction Act,” Reuters reports.

Cooperation on Critical Minerals Deepens Between Australia & India

Cooperation on Critical Minerals Deepens Between Australia & India

Similarly, Australia and India have reached a milestone in partnering over building new supply chains to help India lower their carbon emissions while bolstering Australia’s critical minerals sector, according to Minister for Resources & Minister for Northern Australia, the Hon Madeleine King MP.

Canada Bans Russian Aluminum & Steel

Canada Bans Russian Aluminum & Steel

Canada has announced a ban on Russian aluminum and steel imports, part of an ongoing effort to cut potential funding sources for Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to S&P Global.?

Updates in Fertilizer

Fertilizer Production Expansion Program Awards

Fertilizer Production Expansion Program Awards?

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the first round of project grant awards as part of the Fertilizer Production Expansion Program; $29 million will be going toward eight independent businesses in Alabama, Colorado, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, and Washington.?

$4.5 Million Goes to Pakistan’s “Fertilizer Right” Project

$4.5 Million Goes to Pakistan’s “Fertilizer Right” Project

Donald Blome, US Ambassador to Pakistan joined Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali of the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) to announce that $4.5 million will go toward Pakistan’s “Fertilizer Right” project over the next four years. The project is aimed at improving fertilizer use efficiency among Pakistani growers.

Updates in Chemical

Denmark Hoping to Bury Carbon Dioxide Gas Below the Sea

Denmark Hoping to Bury Carbon Dioxide Gas Below the SeaDenmark Hoping to Bury Carbon Dioxide Gas Below the Sea

An international consortium of chemical industry giants is working on a cross-border carbon storage project, Project Greensand, according to the Associated Press. The project would see CO2 emissions pumped into a sandstone reservoir below the North Sea floor in an effort to fight climate change.

High-Purity Solvents from Plastic Waste

High-Purity Solvents from Plastic Waste

A collaboration between Clariter and TotalEnergies Fluids has yielded an innovative way to produce high-quality solvents, waxes, and oils from plastic waste in a major step toward decarbonizing industry, according to World of Chemicals.?

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