Ontario Seeking Feedback on Plan to Expand Benefits Coverage
Hicks Morley
Leading law firm in Canada representing employers on human resources and advocacy issues
On September 27, 2022, the Ontario government?announced?that it is seeking public feedback on its plan to expand benefits like health and dental to workers who need coverage, including those in part-time and precarious jobs, in sectors such as retail, hospitality and the gig economy.
This call for feedback follows the government’s appointment of the Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee (Committee) which provided recommendations on the “future of work” in the province. One of the Committee’s recommendations was to appoint experts to the?Portable Benefits Advisory Panel?(Panel) to design and test a “portable benefits program” (one that is tied to workers, not employers), where contributors could be consumers, employers, workers and the government.
The announcement states that the feedback received will help the Panel in recommending a portable benefits program for Ontario. Those interested in providing their input are asked to complete a?survey?or to email their feedback to:?[email protected], but must do so by December 16, 2022.
The Panel’s recommendations are expected to be released in Summer 2023.
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Practice Areas:?Employment Law,?Labour Relations,?Pension, Benefits & Executive Compensation