Ontario launches new MZO framework
The Ontario government has launched a new framework for Ministerial Zoning Orders. Zoning order requests are made or refused at the discretion of the Minister. The Minister may consider requests submitted by parties such as ministries, municipalities, organizations, businesses, or individuals.
What Is a Ministerial Zoning Order?
Zoning orders are similar to zoning by-laws and can:
The Minister may also use enhanced authorities to remove municipal use of site plan control, require agreements between municipalities and landowners regarding site plan matters, and require/remove inclusionary zoning requirements.
Requests for Zoning Orders
The minister will consider requests for zoning orders that meet at least one of the following intake thresholds:
There are several requirements for request submissions, such as:
Assessing the submission
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will assess requests for zoning orders that meet at least one of the intake thresholds.
The ministry may ask for additional information or material to be provided to help make the decision. This may include:
The minister will provide public notice of requests for zoning orders that have met the zoning order framework requirements through a minimum 30-day posting on Ontario’s Environmental Registry, except where the request for zoning relief is deemed time sensitive.
Minister’s Decision
The Minister has discretion to accept or refuse a request. The?Planning Act?does not provide for a right to appeal the Minister’s decision to make a zoning order to the Ontario Land Tribunal.