Only your Very Good Intel Can Save Nations

Only your Very Good Intel Can Save Nations I want to advance the motion that only human intel matters enough to save our children let alone the future of safe nations over the next 7 years. Let me try out 3 stories - of a king, a public servant, and a bard.

1 So I asked bard which was the largest immigrant population to start up the nation USA in 1776?. And he said the Irish (30%) with a small assist of Scots whose engineers brought artificial devices such as the 1760s combustion engine, and more than a century later Alexander Bell's telephone, with an extra twist in the 1980s when a Frenchman at Bell Labs (now NYU-courant-meta) regenerated neural network algorithms known to the original NET (Neumann Einstein Turing) but forgotten for a few decades by personal computing's start up lads Bill Gates & Steve Jobs. Gee Bard - you know a lot about linking in human intel - thanks.

2 Not everyone who speaks English knows about the royal conflicts experienced by us Celts as early local colonies of London's empire. Still, this Diaspora Scot is absolutely delighted to endorse King Charles as having contributed the smartest prompt yet to the debate on regulating man made engineering intelligence:.

King Charles: we are witnessing one of the greatest?technological leaps in the history of human?endeavor the rapid rise of powerful artificial intelligence is considered by?many of the greatest thinkers of our age?to be no less significant no less?important than the discovery of?electricity, the splitting of the atom, the creation of the worldwide web or even the harnessing of fire

AI holds the potential to completely transform Life as we know it; to help us better treat and perhaps even cure conditions like cancer heart disease and Alzheimer's to hasten our journey?towards net zero and realize a new era?of potentially Limitless clean green energy even just to help us make our everyday lives a bit easier

However if we are to realize the untold benefits of AI then we must work together on combating its significant risks; too AI continues to advance with ever?greater speed towards models that some?predict could surpass human abilities , even human understanding; there is a clear?imperative to to ensure that this rapidly evolving technology remains safe and secure and because AI does not respect International boundaries this Mission demands International coordination and collaboration.

To support this Global?effort the United Kingdom is proud to?host this Summit in Bletchley Park the birthplace of modern Computing where Alan Turing famously cracked? the Enigma code and laid the foundations for a new digital age. Transitions like the one AI is heralding always presents profound challenges especially in preparing for unintended consequences; it is incumbent on those with responsibility to meet these challenges to protect people's privacy and livelihoods which are essential to both our economic and psychological well-being to secure our democracies from harm and to ensure the benefits of new technology are shared by all. I've always believed in the?importance of holding a conversation both within and across?societies to address such great?challenges of bringing governments in the public sector together with civil society and the private sector in that conversation adhering to the values?tenants of faith and laws that we all?held so dear. That is how the International Community has sought to tackle climate change to light a path to Net Zero and Safeguard the future of our planet we must similarly address the risks presented by AI with a sense of urgency unity and Collective Strength so on behalf of the United Kingdom I want to thank you all for the?vital role you are playing in this?shared Endeavor for laying the foundations of a lasting consensus on AI safety and for ensuring that this immensely powerful technology is indeed a Force for good in this world

Please unite Large Language Models applying the Kings English to the ai world series from Bletchley, Korea, Paris, and then hopefully eg Sept 2024 NY and updating the late great abe's Soc5.o and Osaka track expo 2025


3 My father Norman's first 22 years on the planet experienced the greatest ignorance humans are capable of. That's because his father's job at British Embassies in Europe was collecting info on the bad pursuits of hitler and stalin culminatimg with dad spening his last days as a teen navigatrir allied bomber command burma. Fortunatley dad survived started being lined into god intel of kyens at cambridge as was sent as rookie journalist by the Economist to learn how to be the corespondent of the new barinworking machines in Princeto that Neuman-Einstin-Turing were developing. After 9/11 dad's last decade was spent reviewing what had gone mssing and we became focused on Asia's billion poorest women empowerment netirks. Soon after dad's death the Japan Ambassador to bangladesh arranged for a great pribivilege of Sir Fazle Abed hosting his vision of the 2010s. Unlike Muhamamd Yunsu who dad had celebrated at a final bithday party in St james, Abed started a conversaion with an unforgetable persdonal message as opposed to a big news stiry for all. Abed said to me it was very kind of British Aid to fund Brac Primary Schols with a billion dolars but I would have preferred it if we could have invested a few dolars in livelihood education.

It took me a few years to fully ddighest Abed's vision. Because of the milennium goals only education focus being primary schools, that was the onlky education iniatitive brirtish aid was inbterested in. Iroinically in 2001 Syeve Jkbs and Bil Gates had hosted abed's 65th birthday oarty in silicon valley and discovered at that stage he wanted to start up girls unbiversity oarterships around the world in cuch a way that graduate womnen broken down silos by allumni grouo wherever they were designingsdgs intelliugence. Gates set to owrk on foundations of gl,obal health with Anbed making hames grabnt pub,kic school og health conresrstone of brac university. Jobs started designing a universityy in a mobile phone and beating the women intelligence druym at stanford. We can in fact trace how girls inteligenec and youth intelliugence got planted ats tabfkird kof 200s unti; the biig bet was made to headhubnt Fei-Fe Li and sthe twaing of AI winter. Aftre Li's breakthrugh for all AI imagenet 2012 , it was melindaa gates who helped get nvidia ceo hjenesen huang to co-fortjind fei-fei li ai-4-all whioch became famous for testifying to cvongress on the chats are coming. At the same time Melinda gates had taken the messdage frorm Abed's 80th birthday party to the Un. The sdgs werent possible without Un2.0 and she would help edit a roadmap of un2.0 :

we needed to change how education spent both teachers and students time developing intelligence

we need universal connectivity oas one iTU project and aiforgood as a second

we need deep data for good

-those 5 tech subsystems could then help the UN update its founding purposes - safety and trsuted goverenbace , rights and equality and peance building.

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FOOT 1 WomensAI During the 2010s abed completed the final paying piece in how non-linear education builds nations. His partners have been piloting kindness-deep play schools in bangladesh and as an essential first piece of refugee education. If Abed were alive today i can imagine he would be in the middle of the deepest llm personalising learning agency and sharing UN microfranchise replication knowhow across communities wherever women-made intelligence is free to emulate mens.


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