Anna Deeter ? Etalon Speech Educator
Suffering with limitations in your speech? I can help you remove them all in just 3 days! 100% guaranteed! How? ????
On the photo above, you can see a screenshot of the e-mail that I received from a person who stutters. Just like millions of deceived and confused stutterers, he believes in LIE that he has a medical condition preventing him from speaking naturally without making mistakes. He keeps searching for some man-made artificial techniques, tips, tricks, methods – CRUTCHES created and used by others – to help himself to walk with his own unique speech:-( He hopes to be able to fix HIS mistakes by watching OTHERS fixing THEIRS… But… he does not realize that this is IMPOSSIBLE simply because OTHERS make OTHER mistakes and believe in OTHER lies in addition to this one… And what is useful for THEM, may be totally useless or even harmful for HIM!!!
Please, read carefully what I wrote back to this person who stutterers….
... Your request to “send the video course of Etalon” is the same as a kindergarten student would expect to watch a video of himself learning to write correctly letters after his future first grade teacher…. The video of YOUR self-study does not exist in reality yet… It has yet to be made by both participants of this process: YOU and the teacher-)
Etalon science does not require any “technique”. Its “method” means NO METHOD, NO TECHNIQUES, NO TIPS, NO ADVISES, NO EXERCISES – nothing artificial! As a pioneer of a brand new profession called Etalon Speech Educator, I teach NATURAL SPEECH STANDARDS and nothing else.
The moment Etalon students learn/experience and begin performing these natural STANDARD/etalon speech actions, their stuttering (their mistakes in speech) disappear instantly and automatically!
Have you read my e-books yet? They are FREE to download on my website. If not, I recommend you make this first step in your Etalon Speech Training:
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Etalon Speech Educator
@Speech Academie Etalon International By R.A.snezhko