Vikrant Singh
Empowering Organizations | LinkedIn Top Voice | OD Specialist | L&D Catalyst | Influencing with over 8.5 million LinkedIn Impressions | Igniting Transformation through #creativeleaders
People talk of taste as if it was real. It is an illusion of judgement. Every work of art, every poem, and every story has value. When people begin to label art as good or bad, they are creating false categories that are based on artificial judgement. What the majority label as good today may be considered bad tomorrow. You may like something or not like something which in itself is okay. Liking or disliking reveals something about you. There is nothing inherently bad or good within the work of art itself. The sense of good or bad is in the eyes of the beholder. Any judgement made about a work of art is actually a judgement of the person who made the statement.
While there may only be one person today who likes your art, it does not make the art bad. Two hundred years from now the majority of people may consider it a masterpiece. Taste is fickle and useless.
A work of art was destroyed because the subject matter was unacceptable. Three hundred years from now, most people probably will never had heard of Lenin and nobody will be offended. Remember public taste is fickle and arbitrary. #creativeleaders
Only the work of art itself can raise the standard of taste.