The only way is UP!?
I put out as much #inspiration and #keepinspired vibes as I can, on purpose.
The amount of negativity on every aspect of Social Media KILLS me. Is THAT what we invented it for? The answer needs to be “no.” Is that the world we want to live in? Answer: ditto.
So I made and make a conscious choice as to the kinds of vibes and articles I put out there to be as “positive” & constructive as possible; for myself as much as for anyone who happens on them. I get that we don’t live in a perfect world, we never have. Like anyone else, I have my days when I want to go home and get in the bath with my toaster BUT I make the choice: to deal with those thoughts as best I can (usually involves eye patches, chocolate and some over thinking to the sound of Frank Sinatra) when I’m removed from the situation and ensconced in my mansion. I mentally “sort it” then I come back the next day, ready for a new, better day. I choose to do that and I’m better for it.
I roll this way also, because the media is saturated with pessimism and even, let’s call it reality. I have no issue with “reality”, my rose tinted glasses smashed a long time ago, and I’m a big exponent of reality, but we make the choice to process it in the right way, for ourselves and for others. Compare the amount of positive comms on anyone’s Glassdoor score vs. the negative; people have always found it easier as a human race, to criticize than to praise… but trends and rules are made to be broken, so Viva la revolución!
On a #downday, world weary Wednesday, Manic Monday or maybe just when you’re feeling like the universe took a little extra pleasure in throwing you a curve ball that is still resonating in your head - how do we dust ourselves off, tend to the bruise and get ready for the following day, back in the office?
My thoughts (some tried & tested):
Own it on the day – acknowledge that something happened and you justifiably feel hacked off. And that’s OK. Let the rage/upset bubble away as you process it internally. It’s normal and has to happen because you have to get to the end of your day.
Be kind to yourself – look at your schedule and where you need to/can, re-schedule meetings, where you can, to position yourself to be the best you can be on that next day.
If you can’t be kind, kick A – if you don’t have the luxury of re-scheduling appointments, take yourself away for 10 – 20 mins, get food or a drink and focus your mind. Isolate whatever it was that made you unhappy and be determined to go in and nail that meeting. I have always said, “If you can’t beat them, beat them.” This is the time for that expression to come into play and kick A.
Confide in a close friend – for 5 minutes then put it away until home time. As hard as it is, (and I know) don’t let this ghost follow you for the rest of the day. Because, why??
Can you DO anything about it? My mind says – we all have to have our allocation of bad days. That’s life. If it IS just one of those, take it, own it then throw it away. If it’s bigger, you need to talk to someone and agree on what the most constructive thing to do is. Even if that’s just do nothing for another 24 hours… sometimes the distance really helps with thought clarity. As a bull in a China shop, you have my word on that.
Don’t be tempted to voice your feelings on Social Media. It becomes a pity party if everyone chimes in saying “poor you, it’s not fair” and you’ll resent people if they don’t and deem them as “selfish and uninterested” – either way you lose and we need you back on a win.
Know who you CAN talk to – talk to the one person you respect who will help and give you a way forward where you put it all away or at least feel better having talked because you know what you need to do next.
Don’t underestimate the small stuff – music, a sneaky cake, a movie, a walk or a session on the exercise bike can do a lot for mind clarity (my methods are: calories IN then burning them OFF), but go home and just do something for yourself that starts to make you feel in a better, brighter place with a lighter mind. This works, #trust me.
KNOW – that everyone under a sky has bad days. THAT, is the truth and a great perspective.
I know some of this sounds like a “Wizard of Oz” self-help guide to getting through without injuring someone… but at the end of the day, we take responsibility for ourselves and BUILDING ourselves back up. We know we can and we know we do, because as human beings, our job is to weather the storm, recharge our batteries and re-inspire ourselves to get up and back out there, in this place called Earth.
It was a bad day. That’s all.
Someone else’s turn tomorrow. #trustme
When you know that other people go through #throwUPThursdays rather than #throwBACKThursdays you realize that you’re not on your own.
It’s on you to be inspired and inspire others, tomorrow.
And you can do that.