The only way to scale is to stop working so much

The only way to scale is to stop working so much

When I told a few dozen entrepreneurial women this week that the only way to grow their business to a half a million (even a million) a year is to stop working so much, one woman wrote “Mind Blown” in the comments.

You see, the thing that’s stopping you from growing is that you’re working WAY too much. You’re actually too involved in the day-to-day to ever get ahead.


I know it sounds counterintuitive…especially in our super driven “hustle” culture.

“To grow, I must work less???”


If you want to get your business to multiple six figures or seven figures, you must get to a stage where your business begins to run itself more than what you’re experiencing now. That means it runs without you so involved in the day-to-day.

There’s only one way to do it –?you must stop sacrificing all of your time on the details of your business.

You’ve got to get OUT of your business to grow it. (This is what I guide women to do in my powerful signature program.)

Here’s what I mean…

There are things that you should be working on in your business…and many things you should stop doing, if you want to grow exponentially.

You may not realize it now, but there is likely a very long list of things you need to stop doing immediately, and some you need to stop doing eventually…so you can focus on what we call your “unique brilliance”.

(I shared a technique to help you see what these are in a previous post).

While you may not think you can afford it (or think you can do most of it better yourself), you truly can – and must – delegate most of the things you don’t enjoy and aren’t really good at or wired for: administrative, technology and other tasks that eat up your time.

To grow, and get your time back, you simply must get some help to get these things off of your plate. That’s when you can focus on growing exponentially, and not before.

You see, when you can find the time to fully focus on the things you are really meant to be doing, both you AND the business begin to flourish.

Once you are doing the things that you are most passionate about, the things you started your business for in the first place, and the things that will move the business forward, exponential growth is the natural result.

And with that exponential growth comes the money and time you need to truly enjoy your life and easily afford the brilliant team you need to keep growing.

The way you’re using your time now will not grow your business exponentially. No, we must change how you show up, so you can change your results. That said, all these things that are eating up your time? It’s imperative that you do one of three things with them:

  1. Eliminate them
  2. Delegate them
  3. Automate them

This helps you gain your time back to really strategize on the big moves needed to create a quantum leap in your results.

Working on the minutiae is not what’s going to grow your business to a million. That’s why you must give that up and start focusing on the big moves you need to make (you know this intellectually, of course, but it’s time to actually do it).

Once you get used to having help from your team with the minutiae, you then have the mental capacity (and time!) to work on the activities that actually move the needle.

Though it may be harder to let go of certain things you’ve been in control of since the dawn of your business, once you start to really look at how much more time you can get back when you keep your focus on your genius, you will be much more willing to trust others to take these things over for you.

This is often easier said than done. You KNOW you need to get out of doing things you’re not good at, but you also don’t fully TRUST that anyone can do it better than you, or that they won’t mess it up.

Perhaps you are ready to or have begun to hire some team members to help with the menial administrative tasks, but you’re hesitant to let go of more? This is normal.

It takes a radically different mindset and approach to be able to let go. Making these bigger changes and letting go can be intimidating, especially without any guidance or support.

That’s exactly why we’re here, to help you with the precise steps to get from here to there.

With our help, you can shift your beliefs and the ways of being that are getting in the way and quickly leverage every aspect of your business so you are less of a “doer” and more of a “visionary”.

What would happen if you stopped working on ALL the “little” things you frankly hate doing?

Are you curious about how this would allow you to focus on what matters most, like growing to 20K, 50K, or 100K a month or more, with your evenings, weekends and freedom back? (This is what we do.)

I invite you to book a free exploratory call with one of my incredible Strategy Coaches, so we can get to know you, talk about what’s going on for you and help you map out a plan to do just that.

This call is completely free. No strings attached. Our intention is to give you value (and a real plan) up front and to show you what’s possible when you start doing things differently.

If it feels right, perhaps you’ll want to join us and grow your business exponentially from a heart-centered place, the way our members do.

Go ahead, book a time for us to talk now, for free (now, not later).

Let’s get you focused on what really matters,

Fabienne Fredrickson

Author of the book The Leveraged Business

Founder of Boldheart Business

P.S. There is no charge for this call, it’s our way of getting to know you better, and our way to provide you “results in advance”, so you can feel trust with us.

Book your free strategy call now so we can map out a plan for you:

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