The Only Way Out Is In Why Doing the Work Provides the Healing
Times of transition bring normal fears that manifest in anxiety, doubt, and hopelessness. We all experience tough times in our lives. Removing judgment from the self and others is homework. Practicing gratitude is homework.
Therapy and treatment modalities work in tandem with prescribed self-care work at home. I have never attended a healing, retreat, or workshop that doesn’t include self-care at home. They advocate for goals, rituals, routines.
Practicing gratitude and breath work keeps you grounded in the present moment (see The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle). We remove self-hate by following a critical thought about ourselves with a feeling of compassion and a compliment or praise for how hard you’re working to stop the criticism. You are the parent to your inner child.?
One way we heal is through going inside the heart through a quieted mind, quieted limbic response, quieted thoughts. Listening to the heart seems foreign to some but you’ll discover your intuition again when you learn to lean in to feeling the heart messages of your higher self.
Psychological therapies like EMDR trauma therapy are effective in healing PTSD, EFT (tapping) calms the nervous system completely, Reiki, hypnosis, psychic mediums all offer spiritual solutions to connect with ancestors and the self.
I discovered so many answers about myself through self-study. I read The Body Keeps the Score and The Grieving Brain, and Attached. I discovered childhood trauma. But, the answer is the same. You have to go inside and heal the inner child or learn to calm her or him. And, take care of the outside. We exercise to move energy and pain through and out and we engage with our foods, environment, and practice settling the body, being in control of emotions and our attitude.
A wonderfully refreshing rest for just 15 minutes to be still, especially when your body asks for a break. Box breathing and other breathwork methods stimulate calming hormones. Vagal nerve stimulation recalibrates our heartbeat where everything feels right and falls into place. Our true feelings will begin to override our scary thoughts that manifest in the past avoidant behaviors. Remember that if you have a sense about something driven by fear, it’s most always not true.?
If you still need help, meditation apps help us find music, bilateral stimulation, meditations, and classes. My favorite is Insight Timer. Nightly, I practice guided meditation to listen to as I fall asleep. Transcendental meditation is a favorite in Ayurveda.
Sit yourself down, parent yourself with compassion and nurturing…what matters is your FEELINGS, thoughts, and choices in the present moment and opening your heart and mind to compassion and peace. Let go of the need to look outside the self. You have all you need.