The Only Way To Create Your Life.
Hello community of Mature High Achievers!
I woke up this morning and this was one of the first things that came to my mind:
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.†Carl Jung
We so often run on the autopilot, thinking we have no power over the lives we’re living.
It took me a few years to REALLY grasp the meaning of the above quote from Carl Jung and accepting that I am the only person who has any influence on the direction of my life.
I say “accepting†because there was a lot of resistance in me. It felt easier to blame the outside world, other people and circumstances for the “hardships†that were popping up in my life. ?
It’s easier to blame than to take responsibility. In fact, so much easier. ?
But let’s start from the beginning as this is the first official newsletter of this community here on LinkedIn and over 700 of you subscribed to it.
Thank you and VERY WARM WELCOME!
It’s my intention to share things and tools I’ve learned on my journey as a coach and a human being here. Things that have helped me to slowly learn how to create the life I want to live from the place of ease and calm.
That does not mean life is always easy??.
And I actually don’t think having an “easy†life (whatever that means) is an objective of our existence here.
What I do believe the objective of us living on this planet is is to gain a strong self-awareness of who we are so that we can uncover the full potential we all have. Every single one of us. ?
Another thing to living a fulfilled life (in my view) is the power of connections we create with other human beings.
What I’ve learned in the 47 years of my own existence here so far is that we are, however, unable to create powerful meaningful connections with others if we don’t have a powerful, meaningful connection with ourselves first.
If we do not know who we are, we end up feeling lost, disconnected, anxious and always striving for the next thing because we think that the “next thing†will give us the answers and will make us feel better about ourselves. Unfortunately we often get caught up in the vicious cycle of chasing the “next thingâ€. Sometimes forever.
Being conscious and self-aware is the foundation. YOU are your own foundation. Nobody and nothing else.
Once we get that – an infinite number of opportunities open up.
And believe me, I know how hard the journey of taking the full responsibility for your life is. Our mind, by default, loves looking for that thing out there somewhere to either make us feel better or blame somebody else. It’s an everyday journey inward.
To give you a bit of a context into why I do what I do these days and what’s my purpose as a coach, allow me to take you back to 2016.
Here we go.
It’s early 2016, I live and work in a mystical, luxury resort in the South-East Asia, lead the team as I have done for many years at this point and I feel something is REALLY wrong.
For a few months now I am unable to sleep, I often feel like I am going to have a heart attack, I keep having hot red flashes on my skin, my mind keeps racing 24/7 and the only thing I can think about is how to make sure that we reach the next revenue target…. ?
Because in my mind, if we don’t reach the targets - the whole world will come to an end, I will be a failure and what I have always thought about myself will get confirmed – I am not good enough to do the job I’ve been doing for years at this point.
No matter how good I was in my job and what recognitions I received – never good enough for myself.
Today, I know that what I am describing above is a classic case of an Impostor Syndrome. But I did not have any reference to that at that time and I never spoke about it with anyone. I was ashamed. I was embarrassed that I was not able to get my act together and I was being weak. And so I kept pretending I had it all figured out.
Then in March 2016 my sister passed away. She was 52 years old and she died suddenly on International Women's Day. I flew back to Slovakia. It was all one big blur. Bizarre. My family was not comprehending what just happened. ?
When I returned back to the resort in Asia, nobody from my immediate or wider work environment was really much interested in how I was feeling.
When I look at it today, I am not surprised because what I did when I came back after the funeral – well, I did the only thing I knew how to do – I kept on working and pushing and delivering and pretending I was all sorted.
2016 was a very very very tough year, my self-esteem could not have been lower if I tried. I wanted to get out of the place where I was working because I thought that if I changed the environment, things would get better.
And so I moved to Japan – hoping to start afresh.
But the Universe has “funny†ways of telling us to wake up!
Six weeks into us moving to Japan my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. From one day to another he could not speak, lost his memory, didn’t know who I was or where we were.
This was March 2017 – exactly one year after my sister passed away.
This time my company was really good to me. I had people in my immediate and wider work environment contacting me, making sure I was OK, sorting out insurance, checking in with me. I had a friend who would check in with me every morning and every evening.
My mum was freaking out. After losing her first born 12 months earlier, she was a bundle of nerves when she saw me fading away and trying to deal with things on the other side of the planet.
And guess what approach I took?
I went into “let’s sort this out†mode once again while still working every day.
Hospital in the morning, then going to work, hospital in the evening. Operation, chemo, radio. This went on for a few months, me still making sure that we grew our market share as quickly as we could… I know…
And then it came.
I came home one night, completely exhausted from the years of pushing, driving, pretending, chasing and I went down on the floor in the dark empty apartment and asked “Can somebody please help me?â€
I don’t know who I was asking but I think this was the first time EVER I asked for help.
I started crying and hadn’t stopped for a year. Literally.
A LOT has happened since then. That night was the beginning of my journey of learning who I was / who I am. I did not know that girl. I just felt sorry for her. She was lost and lonely and scared.
I didn’t know where to start and what to do.
But once I made a decision I needed help, teachers started appearing in my life. All I needed to do was to give myself a permission and ask for help.
It has been and continues to be one hell of a journey.
Today I believe we all deserve to have everything we want. Unapologetically. And I really mean it.
You want a promotion – go for it.
You want a new house – buy it.
You want to start your own business – do it.
Unapologetically going after what you want.
BUT! And this is the biggest fattest BUT you can ever imagine.
But if you only want those things because you either want to prove something to someone (or to yourself) or you think they are going to make you feel better or fulfilled or you will find that peace of mind you are after – it’s not going to work. I am really sorry to tell you that. At some point, you will want a bigger house, a bigger promotion and on and on it goes.
If you, however, build that foundation called YOU, if you learn who you are, what makes you laugh, what and who needs to go and what you need more of to accept yourself for exactly as you are – if that solid foundation is in place – then all the other things EXPAND your life. They are not there to FIX your life.
Simple. But not easy??. It’s a process. Especially as we are High Achievers and we want things to happen yesterday. And we often want to do it by ourselves, without any help..
I want my High Achieving clients to have EVERYTHING they want. Through building the foundation and connection to their self-awareness and consciously creating their life. (In fact, I want everything I want. Unapologetically.)
My clients either
-?????????Have a clear goal and want my support with reaching that goal (so much easier to get there if you know who you are, why is it important to you and you are taking conscious actions)
-?????????Are not quite sure what they want next (because they are often not sure who they are, once we uncover that – things start becoming clear)
-?????????Are challenged by Impostor Syndrome and feeling anxious and we work on gaining a self-awareness and being conscious of what is causing those feelings so that the client can replace them and move forward in their lives.
Whichever category you belong to – YOU are your own foundation to creating the life you want and I will be honoured to support you on that (often rocky) journey.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.â€
With lots of love, ?
Michaela x