The Only Way To Create That Brand You’re Proud To Promote
Henry Kaminski Jr.
Founder of Brand to Table | Helping Restaurants + Hospitality Brands Boost Sales with: Marketing/ Brand Strategy | Creative + Content Direction
I’m going to tell you something that every successful person has to do, including you. Believe it or not, every successful person in this world has jumped. I’m going to tell you what I mean by that. You, eventually, are going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life. You have got to try to live. If you are waking up thinking that there’s got to be more to your life than it is, believe that it is. Believe in your heart of hearts that it is. But to get to that life, you’re going to have to jump. Now, I’ll tell you why I call it jumping. When you see people in life, when you’re standing on the cliff of life and you see people soaring by, going to exotic places, you hear about them doing wonderful things. Maybe you look up the street and your neighbor just gets a car every year and every two years. How are they doing that?
Have you ever thought maybe this person right here has identified their gift and is living in their gift. You just got to quit looking at gifts as running, jumping, singing, dancing. It’s more than that. It’s if you know how to network, if you can connect the dots, if you draw, if you teach. Some of you all post on social media better than anybody else. Some of you cut hair, color hair. Some of you have an education, that’s nice. But if you don’t use your gift, that education only going to take you so far. I know a lot of people that have degrees but they’re not using any of it. It’s your gift, but the only way for you to soar is if you jump. You got to take that gift that’s packed away on your back, you got to jump off that cliff and pull that cord.
That gift opens up and provides the soar. If you never use it, you’re going to just go to work. And if you’re getting up, going to work at a job every day that you hate going to, that’s not living. You’re just existing. At one point in time, you ought to see what living’s like, but the only way to see what living’s like, you got to jump. And here’s the problem. I’m just keeping it real with you. When you first jump, let me tell you something. Your parachute isn’t going to open right away. You’re going to hit those rocks. You’re going to get some skin torn off from the cliffs you hit. You’re going to get all your clothes torn off. You’re going to get some bumps and bruises. You’re going to be bleeding pretty bad. But eventually, eventually the parachute has to open. That’s not theory. That’s a promise.
One last thing. You can play it safe and deal without those cuts, bumps, and bruises. You can stand on that cliff of life forever and just be safe. But if you don’t jump, I got another promise I can make you. Your parachute will never open. You’ll never know. If I were you, I would jump because that’s the only way to get to that abundant life. You got to jump. You got to take a chance. Now, when I get through writing this, there are those of you who will discuss this in the car. “Well, I got bills.” Whether you stay on the cliff or you jump, you’re going to STILL have bills. “Well, if I quit my job, I’m going to ruin my credit.” If you got a job, you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Even if you have A-1 credit, you can’t buy anything else. At one point in time do yourself a favor. Before you leave this world, before you die, jump. Just jump one time. Just jump…
The saddest thing in life is wasted talent…
Book a consult with “The Doc” right now and create a brand that truly represents YOU!
The Doc
Henry K “The Brand Doctor”