Only Victors Write History

Only Victors Write History

I Don't Sleep Anymore...that has to change! But that seems impossible as the opposition is singularly focused on winning.

Winning battles is not winning wars. The battles, all worthy, even necessary, won't matter much if the war is lost.

This is not about conspiracy theories, it is not about the deep state or the dark underbelly of corruption, it is about an economic elite and their functionaries wanting to return our nation to a time when white male landowners ruled with little or no opposition. They seek a nation aligned with an antebellum view of the world where the propertied class rules, votes and establishes the laws and the general public is at their mercy.

Clean air and water, public schools and safety nets, workers protections, even child labor laws, would be gone.

This organized band of reactionaries have made great strides in achieving their goals, including changing the make up of the federal and many state courts. Their placement of personnel at universities and in government has been substantial and their control over law schools, departments of economics and university administrations alarming.

Reading the work of Jane Mayer, S.M. Amadae and Nancy MacLean gives us invaluable and well documented materials. They provide an understanding of how we got here and what to expect if we don’t take strategic aim at those who have a fundamentally different view of the world.

The opposition is singularly focused on winning the war.

Their concepts of freedom, democracy, equality, equity and justice are far different than those held by most Americans. Their wealth and focus has given them great leverage in causing dissension in public discourse, on social issues and in our understanding of the American Dream.

The Trump administration’s refusal to respect the role of Congress, the courts decisions to expand corporate rights over those of citizens and the security apparatus’s use of tools to limit human & civil rights in the name of security undermines the very fabric of our nation.

We may be a decade out to save the environment, but we may only be months out to save our inalienable rights, achievable only through a well functioning modern democracy.

As well focused and as well funded as this group is, no matter how many foot soldiers are already in place and in the pipeline, they are still a minority in the US and around the world. If we focus, if we can see the "war fore the battles", we can still save our land of the truly free allowing us to protect human rights and the environment.

If we lose this war, we will, in time, face violent revolution to reclaim our birthright. Let’s hope for our sake and all future generations that it doesn’t come to that.

Read, inform, organize and act. We must hold these truths to be self evident. Our time is now!


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