Not only trains, infrastructures, temporary capacity restrictions, KPIs, etc….
Along the Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor, in the historical capital of Hungary, the eastern section of the Mediterranean Corridor’s alignment, we had the opportunity to visit the Budapest Lutheran Fasori Gymnasium, where some of the most important European physicists discovered their genius and their capacities were first highlighted by their extraordinary teachers and further developed.
Together with my colleague Istvan Pakozdi, guided by Fasori’s Professor Zslot Szabò (thanks a lot!!), we went through documents, classrooms, corridors, laboratories, and evocative halls: there, it’s still possible to feel the Hungarian wind that inspired Eugene Wigger, Jancsi Von Neumann, Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, Theodore Von Kàrman, etc., while attending the lessons of their gifted teachers Gàbor Szegò, Làszlò Ratz, Sàndor Mikola, etc.
They all helped humanity discover what we are, where we come from and where we’re going to.
Among and above the others, Janos Lajos Neumann (who changed his name to John von Neumann) is well known as the father of the electronic computer and as one of the developers of ?Oppenheimer’s working group. He started developing the binary system when he was only 16 years old.
However, not so many know that he first, then Paul Dirac and Max Born proved that the status of the electron (position, momentum, spin, etc.) of the hydrogen atoms can be foreseen appropriately by both the matrix approach of Wener Heisenberg and the wave philosophy of Erwin Schroedinger, achieving the same results.
In his transformation theory, he demonstrated the mathematical identity of Heisenberg’s “matrix quantum mechanics” and Schoeredinger’s ?“wave quantum mechanics”.
In the XX century, this achievement represented a crucial step forward in the development of the new quantum mechanics physics, thanks to which humanity’s knowledge has progressed and will continue to develop.
We learned all that during the latest TAG RAG meeting this week in Budapest, travelling along the Mediterranean Rail Freight Corridor, after discussing capacity allocation, trains’ punctuality, dwelling times, Border Crossing points, etc.
Not only trains and railway services but much more. Stay tuned, and never forget that :
The study and pursuit of truth and beauty represent a sphere of activity in which one is allowed to remain a child all one's life (Albert Einstein)