Only Tontos work for no recognition
Alfredo Behrens
Culture Architect: I explore how cultural roots shape human expression across disciplines. I seek patterns explaining why people and their creations transcend boundaries in diverse contexts worldwide.
Tonto, of the Lone Ranger series, was never meant to be more than a prop. Episode after episode Tonto worked hard while the Lone Ranger got all the recognition, despite not working alone, as the series title would have it.
Admittedly, Tonto got the short straw. But, why would Tonto work at all?
Because it was not business, stupid. Had it been business, The Lone Ranger would have long been left speaking to himself. Talk of turnover would have began then.
Business today strives on teamwork even more than in the Lone Ranger's time. But business, and its schools, still have to come up with adequate policies to sustain effective teamwork.
Se more on fair remuneration for teamwork here. (This time you will get to the proper article, not like yesterday's link, a mistake for which I apologize).