The Only Thing Worse than All Talk and No Action? All Action and No Results.
Alloy Labs
An ecosystem for community banks, build by community banks to provide the resources and insights of a Top 10 bank.
One of our most important guiding principles is that action is far more valuable than talk. The only thing worse than all talk and no action, is all action and no results. In this rapidly evolving environment, it's easy to fall into the trap of mistaking activity for progress. With the constant buzz of innovation, the never-ending cycle of product launches, and daily announcements of new cutting-edge technologies, it's crucial to differentiate between what is truly moving the needle and what is just noise.
“Never mistake activity for achievement.” – John Wooden
The real promise of the fintech revolution is not simply replumbing existing infrastructure to more efficiently deliver the same products and services that everyone else has, it’s unlocking new capabilities to provide new sources of value that differentiate you from the competition.
Motion vs. Progress
None of the motions listed here necessarily lack value. Some are better than others, and many are essential for driving results, but they only lead to progress when they result in tangible benefits for customers and the business.
The Dangers of Mistaking Motion for Progress?
“Do not confuse things that are hard with things that are valuable.” – James Clear
Guiding Principles for Aligning Motions with Progress
?To make sure your activities will add up to meaningful achievements, concentrate on the following:
Now What?
A simpler and more memorable (if slightly NSFW) guiding principle is to avoid being an Underpants Gnome. This is a meme-able reference from a classic episode from South Park, where Cartman and the boys visit the cave of the gnomes who have been stealing their underpants from their dressers at night. The boys wanted to understand why, so the gnomes explain their business model:
Phase 1: Collect Underpants
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit.
It’s worth understanding Phase 2 on any new venture before you spend valuable time and resources on the motions of Phase 1.
JP Nicols is cofounder of Alloy Labs, and Managing Director of the Alloy Labs Institute, which creates and curates best practices and industry-leading tools and frameworks to help financial institutions reduce innovation risk and drive exponential growth.