The Only Thing Stopping You from Scaling to $100MM is…
Erik Luhrs, MNLP
Chief Communications Officer at Hydreatio || VP Biz Dev NA at Aqua-Predict || Fortune 500 Consultant, Author, Advisor, Strategist, Connector, Investor || ex: Kroll, Lazard, Swiss Re, USDOJ*
A few days ago, during a phone call with one of my clients (a very cool SaaS/service company out of Los Angeles) I heard a strange statement.
“We are going start looking for someone to buy the company”
I was flabbergasted!
Why was I flabbergasted?
Because they are only 3 years old and have just reached $12MM in sales for the last twelve months.
I asked them why they would want to sell now.
Their answer, “We are really stoked about the revenue increase, and we believe we can't keep this kind of growth going, so we want to get while the getting is good.”
After picking my chin up off the floor I asked, “What makes you believe that this growth can’t last?”
They said, “The last few ventures we were involved in worked out the same way. We got some real momentum going and then we cashed out. The investors were happy. We walked away with a few million. And then we start all over again.”
It was starting to come clear!
I pressed further. “Do you like having to start over again?”
“No,” they admitted. “It is a pain in the ass to come up with another great idea.”
“And how did the companies you sold perform after you sold them?” I asked.
“They did really well; exploded actually. The buyers are very happy.”
Now I was laughing!
“Okay, let me get this straight,” I said. “You have created multiple companies, done all the hard work of getting them going, sold out just when they started to be valuable, started over from scratch while other people enjoyed the success of your previous labors, and you want to do it AGAIN?”
LONG silence…mixed with a few “um’s”
Finally they said, “When you put it like that, it doesn’t sound very smart.”
“No shit.”
I got them to do the math of how much they had made selling their companies versus how much the buyers of those companies had made.
They hadn’t even pocketed $7MM each yet, where as all of the buyers of their previous companies were near or above $100MM…and counting.
It was time to get down to the real problem.
I asked them a bunch of painful questions and the truth rose to the surface.
They were stuck in a pattern.
When they built their first company, they built it to several million and then got into short-term a financial pinch. They sold the company and each walked away with a little less than a million. But they went from struggle to fancy vacations overnight.
When it came time to fill the bank accounts again, they repeated the process. Build fast, sell fast.
And they did it a third time as well.
Now here we were and they were about to do it again.
Because they believed that this pattern of behavior was the best they were capable of.
They were stuck in the pattern but they weren’t aware of it.
“So do you want to sell now, watch other people suck the juice from the fruits you planted while you have to go and start clearing and planting another orchard?” I asked.
“No!” They said without hesitation.
We are on a new path for them now. They are tackling the beliefs and mental patterns that got them stuck in the ‘start over’ loop, while they build their skills at growing a company instead of just starting it.
It is a lot of fun!
Now we are helping them build a “Superstar Business.”
Many companies have Superstar potential, but they never reach that potential because their founders or executive teams have beliefs and patterns that derail Superstardom for a “quick payday” or “slow, secure growth” or “following industry best practices”…etc.
That’s why I periodically do complimentary 1 on 1 Superstar Sessions with select companies.
Obviously, I can’t find or help every company with Superstar potential, but if I can save a few from the limited thinking that would otherwise destroy their potential, then I have done my job.
Is your company a Superstar waiting to happen?
Well, here are three characteristics that are common among the Superstars we decide to work with:
1. They already average $2MM+ in annual sales
2. They had a quick rise in initial sales or have recently experienced an unusual growth in sales
3. The leaders are secure in what they know AND they know that they don't know everything (i.e. They don't have egos)
If this sounds like you, and you’d like to get an outside perspective so you can see your company’s REAL potential WITHOUT limitation, then you need to apply for a 1 on 1 Superstar Session with us.
Of course, you don’t want to waste your time. So here’s why you want the session:
· The Session is no-cost and lasts up to 90 minutes (So we have enough time to explore all major issues)
· It includes all decision makers and stakeholders so you can get real time feedback (It is vital that all voices listen as well be heard)
· You’ll get a true “objective perspective” on your growth potential (Only an OUTSIDER can do this)
· Any confusion you’ve been feeling about business development will be eliminated (Goodbye “what should we do?” Hello “More Revenue”)
· You will receive a mindmap of all the learnings, aha’s, and ideas from the session (profoundly useful and perfect for sharing with your teams)
· You will receive a recording of the session for your review (no need to worry about note-taking)
To see if your company qualifies and to apply for one of our complimentary slots, please CLICK HERE.