“The only success that comes after a little opposition is a little success.” – Arnold Kunst

“The only success that comes after a little opposition is a little success.” – Arnold Kunst

From “Lincoln 365,” by Arnold Kunst

May 6

In the early-early days of the Civil War the bumbling, fumbling giant known as the North hardly seemed capable of mounting anything like a victory against the dazzling military talent of the South. This was particularly true in 1862 – Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia seemed able to walk on water. In May of that year Lee, although outnumbered two to one, had divided his army and struck General Joseph Hooker with frontal and flank assaults and a titanic battle roared around Chancellorsville, Virginia. On May 6, 1862 came the awful news that Hooker had quit fighting. Another defeat. Fighting Joe Hooker, as he was known, had let the Rebel force run rings around him suffering 17,000 casualties in the process. How was this war ever to be won?

‘Life is a wheel. He who is on top today will be on the bottom tomorrow.'

- Talmud


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