Only as Strong as your Datacenter!

Only as Strong as your Datacenter!

We are only strong as our weakest link, therefore at Eta2u, we try to eliminate our client’s weaknesses.

Our team will assess and determine possible threat factors that can impact security or business continuity. We are making the necessary suggestions in a timely manner based on more than 30 years of experience in a field that has seen the most accelerated growth rate in history. If you believe in prevention, then you are on the right path and we can share this road together.

Endpoints are the most exposed and attacked points of entry, but the main target is the data center, where all the necessary information resides. Therefore, you shouldn’t by any means have weak links in your chain of security, no devices left unprotected, no access unguarded and no unnecessary ports opened. Attackers are skilled and experienced. They know how a network operates, they know how users interact and how they access data. They know how to utilize our weaknesses, so we always need to be one step ahead. We need to constantly improve our defense for living in a data-secured environment.

We need to team up!

Cristian Rosioara



