The only secret you need to know

The only secret you need to know

To the brave soul reading this. I know that sometimes if not most of the time you feel lost and confused of your life's journey. You are scared, insecure and frustrated every time you look around and see how everybody else seems to know what they want. You tried few ideas that sounded good, but none of it satisfies you.

You are an intelligent person and yet you unwillingly chose to stay in something that does not fulfill your potential. Because you aren't sure. It's difficult to admit that to others even harder to yourself. It doesn't make sense to you, this lack of direction. You let it box you in. You accept offers you don't want because survival mode kicks in.

You're losing your way without knowing it. Leaning into security and safety, out of fear and anxiety. You know that trying and failing is the only way to rise, but you're so scared to believe it. If you fail, there's no one to catch you and you'll have no one to blame but yourself. You're unhappy, stuck between failure and truth.

You are unsettled. Going neither forwards nor backwards. There's no turning back, but you can't see what's ahead and you fear stepping toward the unknown.

The truth is there is nothing real but the present moment. No one knows where they are going. Being confused does not make you wrong or broken. Doubt and fear are normal. The secret is on how you decide to approach this life. Admit that you don't know what's ahead and approach the present with curiosity, joy and openness.

For better or for worse you decide what happens to your life whether you like it or not. You don't have to know where you're going to get there. Your life is moving with or without you. Might as well learn to enjoy the time you have because you can't stop time from ticking. Immerse yourself from what's here and let go of worry about what's to come.

That's the only secret you need to know.

#LorenzonCOREner #HowThoughtPaul #beInspired


