Only Privacy Can Save The Tech Hardware Industry
Current Situation
The following graphs have been taken from Statista
Hardware Sales
As we see here, the industries that are consistently increasing their spending on IT hardware are
While Data-Center Systems are increasing their spends and haven't reduced since 2016
While the Consumer end products are in 'Overall Decline'
Here we can clearly see the current situation of Personal Computers Market
The overall Growth is in a downward direction.
Though we can't directly make the claim, but there is a pattern between the consumer market and the overall Semiconductor market.
The biggest growth we see is in the 'Hardware As A Service' market
While their prediction for the Consumer market is upward, the current situation is not as positive as their future prediction
Cloud Situation
Now, this industry is steadily increasing its spending thus clearly showing that the demand for Hardware As A Service is on the rise.
The first graph talks about the sudden jumps in spending, while this is about total spends in every year
Privacy Impact
Based on the above data, we can safely deduce that the current trend of the Tech industry is to create a centralized system where all the consumer data/applications are stored.
Thus clearly stating that the centralized system has access and control over the consumer data.
Now, I won't go into the privacy infringement examples or scenarios here, you can google that. But I think that I have made my point that access to the ability to make such infringements is on the Rise.
The two are directly correlated
The above correlation has a direct impact on Overall Tech Hardware Sales
If we want
The only option is to increase the need for newer and better technology, not in terms of aesthetics like
So in order to do that, centralization is the main barrier.
If the same applications were to run directly on your system
If the consumer demand increases, well..
Green Impact
I know, most companies don't care about this but
If, Right to Repair grows in Right to Upgrade, just as FairPhone and FrameWork do, these upgrades, while making the above possible, would also have a Lower Impact on Nature as a whole.
The reason being, the demand would not be artificial, based on Wants Created By 'Marketing'
But, rather the demand would be based on the Need Created By Technological Breakthroughs