Only One Wrong Way To Create Content
Michael Field
Digital Marketer | Storyteller | Writer | Content Manager | Content Creator | Podcaster | Author
No giant tease here. I'll answer that question from the title. There's only one wrong way to create content and that's not creating content at all. Calling yourself a content creator only works if you're actually creating content. Is it the type of content you want to be ultimately creating and making money from? Maybe not. But it's content.
Many times on my LinkedIn page, you'll see posts from a podcast I co-host and produce, Forgotten Cinema, and while that podcast is part leisure and part business, it's content. I build the social media campaigns and daily content. I work within the infuriating-at-times Instagram algorithm. I'm constantly refining Forgotten Cinema's social presence.
Working with Forgotten Cinema has built relationships with other brands such as ROW8 and Best Classics Ever (Check back on that later in the year). Working on Forgotten Cinema beget the digital network, Forgotten Entertainment, that now produces multiple podcasts with other creators, several video series on YouTube and hopefully, some serialized content in the pipeline. I'm even a producer and co-host of a second podcast, Yet Another MCU Podcast, which is currently transitioning into more video content, spear-heading a partnership with Dice Throne and their latest board game, focused on the Marvel Universe.
Am I writing this from a palatial estate in Beverly Hills? Of course not. But I'm creating a volume of content. I'm prolific. I'm busy. I'm doing something I love to do and as all the inspirational quotes, music lyrics and random strangers will tell you: Do what you love and the money will follow.
Now, all of what I've shared is focused primarily on the entertainment side of things, but that's not the only style of content I create. I've worked within the corporate and business world on various freelance projects over this past year. Social posts, instructional videos, flyers, etc. Anything is fair game. And it's all content. Content begets content.
My whole reason for sharing this article and my thoughts is to tell anyone that creates content on some level, to just keep creating. I'm still on my own path of content creation. While I'm freelancing now, I don't limit myself to finding a landing spot at one location, whatever that may be. But I know only one way that journey could stop and that's if I'm not creating content.