Only one person can change you child’s life, that is you!

Only one person can change you child’s life, that is you!

Bringing up a child can be most fulfilling yet extremely daunting. Given today’s circumstances, where a child is surrounded by cut-throat competition, unsafe surroundings and unreasonable expectations. To give you an insight, this is what the children of today usually go through.

  • Cut-throat Competition – The world has unfortunately moved from being competitive to comparative and children have not been spared in the process. From being compared to the neighbours’ child who took his first steps before my own child could, to being equated to the 1st rankers in school, competition can diminish your child’s confidence and make him feel quite unworthy.
  • Undue Expectations – “You have to do well else forget your dream college”; “Behave well and I will buy you an ice-cream”; “Make sure that our school gives best performance”; “A girl must know to manage her job and home together”. These expectations from parents, schools and society are extremely stressful and overwhelming for our children and they do not know how to deal with them alone.
  • Endless Exposure – Look back and think about your childhood- no social media, 2G internet, limited channels on television, sensible content. Things have changed drastically since then, With the internet explosion, children are exposed to everything good and bad, without the ability to filter out irrelevant content. This leaves them confused and amidst serious mental and emotional breakdowns.
  • Alcohol & Drug Abuse – More than 25% of boys between 15-19 years were addicted to tobacco and about 15% of them were addicted to alcohol as per a survey by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2015. Girls in the same age group reported a similar figure. Use of drugs and injectable substances were also reported under the survey. The statistics are alarming and makes the role of parents even more crucial in helping their children make the right choices in life.

Scary, isn’t it? Children are like sponge who keep absorbing from their parents and the environment outside their homes. They absorb everything from love to fear, anger, frustration, depression and ever other expression and emotion that they come across, with barely any understanding of segregating the right from wrong and acceptable from unacceptable. In such a scenario, there is just one person who can set right the course of his life, that is you!

But why? Why do you matter so much in your child’s life?

Why is effective parenting so crucial for a child? 

Because, it is you who can guide your child and show him the right path when he is in the midst of challenges. It is you who can train him from the initial stage of his life to choose the right from wrong and make the right choices.

You, as a parent, are the most significant person in the life of your children. Their first teacher, caregiver, nurturer; the authority figure that they believe would guide them every step of the way. Your child is always looking up at you as a role model and picking up on everything you say, think or do. Believe it or not, your children will not listen to or trust anyone else more than you. That makes you responsible for shaping up their character, life’s choices, career, relationships, and ultimately their life. Now, that is quite a big responsibility. A reason why effective parenting is so crucial for every child.

In the next blog in our Parenting Series, we will give you some very practical tips to become a perfect parent and create the perfect future for your child. Stay tuned!


Dr. Peyush Bhatia (Life Coach)的更多文章

