Only One Choice for 2024

Only One Choice for 2024

The American electorate may be a bit slow to catch on when it comes to forming a winning consensus on who to vote for and why.?? Part of this is due to our great and wonderful diversity.? Developing a saleable plan that works for all is tricky in our United States.?? ?Evidenced by Biden's time in office.

Another aspect of difficulty is believing in what we are sold for a bill of goods.??? For example, ?the historic degree of lying, deception and play acting by the left.?? It is no secret that for the Dems to fight the good fight there is no such thing as telling the truth.?? Not to say Republicans do not do the same but in no way to the same degree as the Dems.? The Dems have refined this to an art.

The upcoming 2024 Presidential election is a case for the text books as to the Democrat Party doing their damdest to obscure, change our focus, distract us, and once again jam down our throats who and what we DON’T want.?? Shamelessly the false media bombard us with untruths and misrepresentations hoping to influence our minds.

They are taking no chances with this election as they are attempting to use the law to keep the Donald off the ballot or at least cause doubt about his adequacy as President.? Coupled with left wing media whose ad nauseum foolish speculation attempts to wear down the American psyche. . .. ?it is quite the thing to watch for conservatives.?

The entire southern border being open has caused irreparable harm to city and state economies, law enforcement and our overall way of life in our land. ?Clearly, this border plan “was and is” a main course of action for this administration that they stupidly hope will yield extraordinary results for their party.?? For their party mind you, not the United States Citizen. . ..? Why else would they continue to deny protecting our people?

European countries are fastly learning that Globalism is a destructive idea.? Italy, New Zealand and Hungary are examples.?? Argentinians delivered a resounding “No” to socialism with their new President.?? ?Yet Biden continues with his Globalist agenda.?? Arguably a bit self-serving as it appears to be contributing to Biden’s personal wealth and for sure his arrogance.???

There comes a point with the American electorate when partisan politics is set aside and the truth about what works, what guarantees the greatest degree of personal freedoms and what keeps government out of our lives is victorious.? Regardless of the personality of the President btw.?? Getting there is no easy task.

The latest Dem ploy is to paint Trump as a dictator to scare off voters.?? Ironically the Biden administrations Dept. of Justice in concert with left wing state governments have embarked upon an “any and all” battle plan when attempting to stop the Donald.?? Every tactic embraced by clan Biden could be taken from the “Dictators Handbook”.

Historically there has never been a President or major political Party that has gone against Christianity or the family.?? You have a President that puts the majority of us behind the LGBT movement and Black Lives Matter.?? Regardless of the inequities the trans movement causes women’s’ sports and women in general--Biden stands with the trans movement.?? When you look at all his changes and executive orders as a whole you have to ask how much does he and the left hate this country???

Trump has already proven he is not cut from that cloth as he did nothing to Hillary after her defeat and simply let go of all the election rhetoric.? Not so with Biden.? Clearly, he has nothing to base a winning campaign on and must resort to treachery and deceit.? What exactly does Biden, the Rhinos and Never Trumpers fear?? A successful U.S.???

The challenge for each and every voter in the United States is to first set aside personalities and dislikes.? Take a hard look at the state we are in and where we are going if Biden is allowed to continue.?? Biden is a puppet for left wing partisans and must not continue leading us into the ground.??? Without even getting into what his son has done—at his bequest I am sure—can we not see what this man is all about??? ??


