Only Once in a Lifetime...Surely..?

Only Once in a Lifetime...Surely..?

We recently invested in C&C Turret Punch and Salvagnini metal folding machine to increase our ability to manufacture, increase efficiency and bring a whole new level of accuracy and precision to our industry. Along with being mind boggling to watch perform their processes they are also big and heavy. Extremely big and heavy! So much so that we had to acquire a separate property to house them and this also meant cutting up some large sections of concrete floor digging footings and laying significant ‘pads’ for them to sit on.

Stay with me here you needed to understand the background..

The laying of the pads meant several piles of sand and earth rose on the verge and street frontage of the premises during the excavation process.

The founder of our business, who also happens to be my dad, has great enthusiasm for these types of projects and in spite of being 70 years old was hanging around site as intently as a fly hangs around a…well… whatever sort of thing it is that flies hang around…

He was on one of his low buzzing passes of the site one morning before there was anyone there and noticed a chap digging about in one of the piles of sand as though he had lost something. Puzzled he stopped, wound down the window. “Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yep” panted our fervent digger.

Seeing as the feverish digging resumed with no further explanation Bob asked “What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for the letterbox” the now grubby excavator explained. “I’m the postman”

That, I thought unbelievingly, is exactly the sort of person everyone wants on their team. Why did we not offer him a position immediately? Imagine having someone like that around every time someone says “where is…?”


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