If Only
Two simple words- “If only”. They don’t sound like much when you hear them spoken, perhaps unless you’re the one uttering them. Often we hear “If only” too much and other times we don’t hear it nearly enough. The gravity and purpose of these two words depends upon who utters them and why. Would it surprise you to know that they have the power to change a world?
Throughout the ages of recorded history, and to this day, role models, leaders and heroes have “If only” to thank for their position, honor and fortune. All things created by humans that carry a value begin by someone, somewhere, stating, in their own way, “If only”.
“If only we had a system of symbols that everyone could understand and share so we could record our history of thoughts and actions for our ancestors to know who we were, what we did, how we lived and why.” Then someone came up with a written language with which to share our stories with coming generations. If only.
“If only we could move faster across the land, travel farther and learn more and explore more easily those things that await us across the great voids of water that surround us.” Then inventors in many lands created ingenious ways to transport people and things to allow for the exploration of our planet. If only.
“If only we could put a person on our moon, or circle the globe from space, or sail the galactic solar winds like we do our oceans and seas, to visit distant places beyond our imagination.” Apollo, Soyuz, Challenger, Enterprise, Rover. These are all symbols that have taken on a new meaning for a world hungry to discover what is beyond the horizon. None of this began without someone, somewhere, saying, “If only.”
There are other things where “if only” must be asked if we are to continue to grow and prosper as a species. These are harder, more difficult questions to answer which unfortunately are made to appear less appealing or urgent by the mavens of outrageous and the forces who market whim and fancy. You may wonder, what could possibly be more difficult than going to the moon or sailing the galactic winds to the rings of Saturn?
If only the hunger was in the delighted gaze of a child, awestruck at the sight of a sky filled with wonder and possibility, instead of the hollow and sunken eyes of a child breathing their last because they have no food to eat, while it rots in waste bins across the ocean. If only.
If only the tears falling on the earth were tears of joy as people came together in common agreement at the creation of something wonderful and useful and magnificent, instead of tears of sorrow shed upon the ground and homes pillaged and plundered for reasons that are never clear to those who suffer under terror and hate, bigotry and fear.
If only more people would stop to think on their own and not allow themselves to be swayed by the actions of those who want what they can get only for personal gain and power and will stop at nothing to get it, no matter the cost or trouble it may cause or who they may hurt in the process. If only more people would think about something other than their own sense of what is good, right and acceptable. “If only”.
Many do think “if only” and thankfully they don’t stop at a mere thought. They put the most powerful instrument in nature known to humankind to work with passion and focus and make their thoughts become reality. Those are the ones who understand that we were given a brain as complex as anything we can imagine in the universe for a reason.
If only we will deem ourselves worthy enough to use this magnificent organ for building up, not tearing down, unless the tearing down is the elimination of mental, physical, social and spiritual walls erected to separate people of honesty, hope, good will and integrity.
It’s a sad fact that we have tamed almost everything in nature one way or another. If we can’t control it then we’ve figured out ways to protect ourselves from its harsh reality. The one thing we have yet to conquer is our own mind. We have yet to come to grips with controlling or protecting ourselves from our own negative and destructive thoughts and actions. Yes, if only.
If only we would take responsibility for our actions and make changes for the better. If only we would spend more time helping others first instead of helping ourselves. If only we lived simply to give and not excessively to get. If only we used the talents each of us has been blessed with to bring happiness instead of hardship and health instead of heartache to ourselves, our family, friends, and a stranger across the street or across an ocean. Yes, If only.
Two simple words- “If only”. They hold hope and power for those among us who take them to heart. Only a few other words I can think of hold more power. “I will” and “I am”.
Will you?
"I simply write what I feel, because it matters to me. Hopefully some of it will resonate with and matter to you as well" - MDD