The Only Exercises You Need to Get Stronger
Three decades ago, there was a time when I really felt confident and invincible. I was young, healthy, strong, and owned a gym and a Martial Arts school. Although I had already served in the Special Forces and got shot at and blown up, I managed to survive to fight another day. I was also happily married and the future seemed bright. What could possibly go wrong, right?
Well… let me tell you… getting into the bodyguarding business was probably what did me in. After about a year of making a name for myself in that new line of work, I started operating under the illusion that I could handle any challenge that would come my way.
And then our brave bodyguard himself got kidnapped!
After spending several days in a dark root cellar without any food, I finally got released, once my business partner paid my ransom by selling our company… or so I was told. Of course, I was glad to be set free, but felt totally demoralized by such a shitty turn of events in my business and personal affairs. Can you imagine the depth of disillusionment and despair that I felt when I realized that I could not keep anyone safe in that country (all those events happened in Ukraine) and had to rebuild myself and my life from scratch?
That is when I had to lean on the ancient training system of Shambhala warriors in order to regain my strength - especially my inner strength - and restore my overall health and peace of mind. As you can imagine, it is pretty hard to find inner peace after being kidnapped, so I really had to reinvent myself.
The resilience, self-confidence, physical and inner strength, all of them had to be rebuilt bit by bit, as I got back into the training that I had learned many years prior from my grandfather, who was the Qi Dao lineage holder at the time. When I was a teenager, he had taught me the method of training that had gone back thousands of years to the legendary warriors of the Shambhala kingdom of Tibet. Those warriors were probably among the toughest dudes in human history, who embodied extreme strength, endurance, and Martial Arts prowess almost unimaginable to achieve at the altitudes of the Tibetan Plateau, which is aptly nicknamed the Roof of the World.
Why would you care to know about my story of trials and tribulations or the ancient tradition that hardly anyone is aware of these days? That is because you, too, might have experienced some setbacks, traumas, or devastation that left you weekend or disempowered. Or you may simply feel some aches and pains, as you get out of bed in the morning, or simply feel unable to do some of the things that seemed to be easy to do just a few years ago. All of these are not the signs of strength, nor are they the indications to give up on yourself, but rather the calls to get busy with reinventing yourself.
Check out to learn more.
If you want to regain your physical strength and to build up your inner strength, I have some good news for you: you can achieve that without spending many hours in the gym, lifting heavy weights, and harassing your muscles into getting bigger. Although it is a prevalent point of view that without pain there can be no gain, I am here to attest to the effectiveness of a radically different approach that has been tested by time and by the generations of not only Shambhala warriors, but also the Shaolin monks, who are also known for receiving a somewhat similar training in their monasteries, where they are provided with neither weights nor exercise machines.
Now, you may be thinking that you are really not in the position to sacrifice years of your life by staying at some remote monastery in the mountains of China, but let me assure you that you can achieve most of these results at home, investing only very reasonable amount of your time and energy and without compromising your lifestyle or family life.
If you are interested in enjoying this kind of empowerment and ready to explore this unique method of training and personal development, I invite you to join our upcoming Harmonious Strength Training program at today. But you need to act fast, because the number of students accepted at any given time is limited to 25, so that I can maintain a relatively intimate setting for our training and give you some individual attention. During this three month program, I will walk you through all the intricacies of this sophisticated method of training, which will enable you to train smart, instead of hard.
And since this program is starting this Saturday at 10:00 am Pacific Time (1:00 pm Eastern Time) today is the day to enroll. Together with my apprentices, I will personally lead each and every group coaching session for the next 12 weeks and guarantee that you will become noticeably stronger in these three months, or I will pay you your money back!