Only 48 hours remaining!!
Shanelle Roberts
Product Design Leader passionate about Design Ops, Enterprise Design Systems, Employee Experience, and Career Strategy while helping designers do their best work at scale and deliver profitable business outcomes
Yep…?? 48 HOURS LEFT ?
Time is running out to grab your spot on the 6 Week “UX Career Confidence” Challenge
And I’ve had a BUNCH of questions, so I wanna cover some important stuff real quick...
If you are still sitting on the fence, here is what you need to know...
?? When does it start?
? On August 6, 2021 10 Founding Members of the 6 Week “UX Career Confidence” Challenge will kick off their journey working closely with me to gain the skills to confidently promote themselves like a pro withOUT appearing like they are being arrogant or difficult to work with.
?? Who is it for?
? The program is specifically designed for ambitious UX designers who think that it’s arrogant when you confidently promote yourself at work. It’s designed for UX designers who’ve tried books, videos, online courses and still haven’t been able to confidently communicate like a pro at work.
?? What’s included?
? You’ll get 6 Week “UX Career Confidence” Challenge, valued at $1497.?
You will:
Week One: Master your mindset
The mind is a powerful thing. The subconscious mind controls 95% of your actions in life. Mastering how you think about yourself directly impacts how successful you will be in your career. It’s time to take back control over your both your conscious and subconscious mind and have it work in harmony so that you make those career goals a reality.
Week Two: Kick overwhelm to the curb
When we are stuck in fight, flight or freeze, our mind and body flip into a state of overwhelm. Thankfully, there are tools and techniques you can practice helping you calm the biological responses so you can bounce back to feeling relaxed and focused on your personal and career goals. You will learn those tools and techniques so that if you do experience overwhelm in the future, you know what to do to get out of it and minimize its damage.
Week Three: Reclaim your power
Now that your mindset is well on its way to transforming you into the confident, ambitious designer you are, you will move into identifying the specific issues you have and putting an action plan on how you can resolve them.
Week Four: Become “unstuckable”
It’s time to create and implement those systems that will help you never get stuck in your career again.
Week Five: Design your dream job
What is it you really want in your dream UX job? Do you have a certain company or industry in mind? It’s time to take that dream of what could be and chart the course so it can turn into what is.?
Week Six: Promote yourself like a pro Celebration
You did it. You’ve made it through the first 5 weeks of the 6-week UX Career Confidence Challenge. Now we are going to talk tactics that you can take to start confidently promoting yourself like a pro.
?? What equipment will I need?
? None. You can do everything with the app that you will receive access to when you join the program.
?? How much time will I need?
? This program is designed to be completed in 30-minutes each day.
?? What if I can’t afford it?
? I’d say you can’t afford not to.?Let me ask you this. Where do you see yourself in a year from now, 3 years from now, or 5 years from now, if you don’t invest in learning how to confidently promote yourself like a pro?
Let me make a prediction. If you don’t take action now you still be at the same job, in the same role, on the same team, battling the same issues. You will have increased health costs, your relationship with your spouse, significant other, or kids will be strained because you aren’t dealing with the root issues causing your lack of self-confidence which makes you hard to live and work with. How do I know? I’ve been you and that’s what happened to me. I let over 5 years slide by before I finally took action to start resolving my issues. Learn from my mistakes and don’t wait. You only live once. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your career.?It starts with being able to confidently promote yourself like a pro.
To grab one of the remaining spaces fill out the application.
Then hold tight for me to send you the sign-up details straight into your inbox.
But act fast… Only 5 spots remain. You’ve only got 48hrs before registration is closing!?
APPLY NOW to reserve your space.