Only 1.6 out of 10 Jupiter SF home sellers paying a 3% co-broke
Jupiter real estate commissions down for the 12th straight year in another dramatic fall.
The consumer of real estate services has never needed to be more informed than they do today. Jupiter real estate commissions, for single family home sales, have been in a free fall for years and in many ways so have the services sellers receive for their hard earned money. Customer service simply isn't what it used to be. It's a true shame.
In a crazy real estate market, like we have right now in Jupiter, homes are selling faster than ever before in history, homes are selling for more money than ever before in history, and real estate brokers are agreeing to take lower commission payments than ever before in history. It is imperative when you are interviewing brokers, that you not only find out what you are going to pay them, but just as important is what are you going to get from them and do those services meet your needs. In many instances, in this market you may not even need a real estate broker, but be careful representing yourself without understanding contracts and what it takes to get an offer to the closing table. Many brokers are willing to help you sell your own home for very reasonable fees so ask around.
It has now been 12 straight years that fewer and fewer Jupiter single family home sellers have agreed to offer a 3%, or higher, co-broke commission through their listing broker. Back in 2009, when this historical slide began, over 77% of all co-broke single family Jupiter real estate commissions were 3% or higher. So far in 2021, that number has dropped to about 16%.
Only 1.6 of every 10 single family home sellers are offering co-broke commissions of 3% or higher this year in Jupiter. Compare that to 7.7 out of 10 when this slide began you can see the trend. Sure, you can pay whatever you want for commissions as they are 100% negotiable but please, interview brokers, ask questions and make a fully informed decision.
Understand that the vast majority of co-broke commissions fall in at 2.5%, but more and more sellers have started to offer a 2% co-broke. Last year, 2.85% of all single family home sellers in Jupiter offered a co-broke commission of only 2% or less. This year, that percentage has almost doubled to 5.48%. It's a trend that is growing. Anything that almost doubles in a year needs to be watched. Very closely.
Paradise Sharks Real Estate takes great pride in educating our clients, friends and neighbors so they are able to make informed decisions. Knowing what you have to pay, and what kind of services you should receive is a critical part of any agreement of trust between you and any real estate broker. After all, even though the median single family home price in the Northern Palm Beaches has tumbled during September, it still sits at $695,000 this morning. If you agree to pay your listing broker a 6% commission that totals $41,700 when the median days it takes to sell a house these days is only 9. If you agree to pay them 5%, your total cost drops to $34,750.
Paradise Sharks Real Estate can list almost any single family home in the Northern Palm Beaches in todays market for only 3.5% which would drop your total commission cost down to $24,325, and that includes a 2.5% co-broke. If you want to offer less to the buyers broker, or if we handle both sides of the transaction, we will save you even more. It’s what we do.
Our consultations are absolutely free and can be set up easily at?[email protected]?or 561.308.0175. We would love to educate you and save you lots of money. We do what we say, and if we don’t, we insist you fire us. It’s as simple as that. Real estate.....redefined.
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