Only 10% of CEOs Have This Critical Skill

Only 10% of CEOs Have This Critical Skill

If your LinkedIn profile looks anything like mine, you’ve probably racked up plenty of endorsements for your professional skills. Rolled out back in 2012, endorsements are essentially thumbs up from your colleagues showing that you excel at something at work.

On my profile as CEO of Hootsuite, for example, I’ve got endorsements from my connections for everything from entrepreneurship (191 endorsements) and digital strategy (102) to public speaking (37) and even “growing a beard” (9).   

It turns out, though, that not all leaders are endorsed equally on LinkedIn. In fact, when it comes to one critical skill, only 9.8% of CEOs get an endorsement from their colleagues, according to data received from the network.

I’m talking about “social media.”

Fewer than 1 out of 10 CEOs listed on LinkedIn has even a single endorsement for their social media skills. While most CEOs get ample praise for leadership, management, mentoring and strategy, social media competency is conspicuously absent.

As low as these numbers are, it’s worth pointing out that only one in three Fortune 500 CEOs is on LinkedIn, to begin with. The rest don’t even have a profile at all.

Considering that social networks are now closing in on 3 billion users—nearly half the global population!—there’s something very wrong with that picture. I’m not saying leaders have to be experts in social media. But if there’s a communication channel where your employees, customers, competitors, investors, partners and stakeholders are all spending their time, shouldn’t you at least make an effort to be there, too?

To be fair, many progressive leaders, like Virgin’s Richard Branson and T-Mobile’s John Legere, get social media’s value. So do plenty of bosses on the frontlines of everyday companies, who turn to Facebook, Twitter and other networks to drive sales, boost traditional PR and elevate their companies’ profiles.

By and large, though, they still represent a tiny minority. 61% of Fortune 500 CEOs have no social media presence whatsoever. They’re not posting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other networks. They haven’t even bothered to set up their accounts.

A social tipping point

But change may be on the horizon. In the Trump era, all sorts of big companies have suddenly found themselves in the Twitter crosshairs, from GM and Lockheed Martin to CNN, Macy’s and Nordstrom. Even leaders not facing the President’s wrath are starting to see the power of social media—to connect directly with an audience, respond to crises and put a human face to public announcements.  

There’s just one problem. As the stats from LinkedIn confirm, most CEOs have no idea how to get started. Social media skills are as foundational today as knowing how to send an email or open a web browser—yet they’re missing from the executive toolkit.   

The consequences of this skills gap can be very real. Last year, for instance, Trump singled out Lockheed Martin for cost overruns on its F-35 fighter jet program. Stock prices tumbled by as much as 5%—or $4 billion—while the company and its leadership remained silent on social media, unable or unwilling to respond.

By contrast, competitor Boeing responded on Twitter within a few hours of a similar threat by Trump, directly rebutting his claim of “out of control” costs on the Air Force One. CEO Dennis Muilenburg went so far as to praise Trump for “directly engaging” on social media. Boeing stock prices fell briefly, before rising again immediately after the response. 

In this case, a few characters shared on Twitter proved the difference between losing billions and coming out ahead.

Closing the social media skills gap for leaders

For CEOs, the stakes may be high, but getting on social media is hardly an insurmountable obstacle. From my experience, these steps can make all the difference:

  • Success starts with getting help. Social leaders like GM’s Mary Barra get support from their company in developing and sharing updates. They find ways to lend a human touch, while delegating skillfully and not getting in the weeds.
  • Effective social leaders have a plan of attack. Leaders like Elon Musk know the voice they want to project, the message they want to send and the most effective networks to leverage. Their efforts are deliberate, sustained and strategic.
  • Social CEOs listen and respond. The best social CEOs, like AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes, leverage the real-time nature of social networks to stay ahead of competitors and crises. They know how to turn to their platforms regularly to listen, learn and share, and they’re able to react nimbly to capitalize on opportunities.

The good news is that social media isn’t rocket science, especially with the right guidance. Using what I’ve learned managing my own accounts with millions of followers (not to mention running the world’s most widely used social relationship platform), I decided to put together a social media survival guide for leaders.

It’s called The 4 Billion Dollar Tweet, a reference to Lockheed Martin’s Twitter woes. I’m proud to say it’s already an Amazon Bestseller.

A lot like a Tweet, the book itself is short and sweet—something a boss can flip through in 30 minutes between meetings. When they’re done, they’ll know exactly why they need to be on social media and how to get started.

It’s my sincere hope that in the months and years ahead more leaders will earn that coveted “social media” endorsement on LinkedIn. For executives, social media isn’t some vanity play or a place to “share breakfast photos.” I know from doing it that it’s a powerful growth and productivity hack: a channel where a modest investment of time and resources yields outsized returns. At the end of the day, CEOs who level up their social media skills now are future-proofing their business ... and their own career.

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fantastic! didn t know most powerful people in famous companies have no interactions with social media! yet, I think this job is delivered to some expert guys or some sections like PR.

Alex Shibu

Working on Consumer AI | Research @ Technion | University of Toronto Math & Physics

3 年


Andrew Woodford

Sales Agronomy Manager at Coochin Creek Fruitgrowers Co-op

5 年

No doubt, there are benefits of social media, so as to react promptly. However, we have all heard the comment "any publicity is good publicity" all depends on how you react. The second wisest man that ever walked the globe said "A word fitly spoken, is like apples of gold in a setting of silver". We can be encouragers or discouragers and it all depends how you CHOOSE to react.....

Mingcheng Zhao

Simulationsingenieur bei IAV GmbH

5 年

The social media is very important for any one, especially for the CEOs, is a new channel, wich is direct and agile. And this post is also a good ad for the book also.

Loveness Damba

Property Practitioner- Real Estate Specialist

6 年

Very en lighting I like the way you have subtly taken care of the largely held misconceptions about social media without stepping on the feet of the majority. A definite eye opener for any sober minded person, will agree with you. I shall be personally reviewing my profiles and read your guide.



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