Online versus Classroom Training
Elif Item, MCT, MVP
CEO of IBI D365 Online Training Platform for Microsoft D365 Finance, Supply Chain, Commerce, Sales, Customer Service, and Field Service
blend·ed learn·ing (noun) A style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.
Blended learning is the next step in Microsoft Dynamics 365 training. The ability to utilize classroom training and online training in conjunction allows for a complete learning profile that is optimal for trainees. Currently, classroom training is the standard, but why? Classroom training in the form it is today keeps everyone at the same speed, which can be detrimental. Too much time is wasted covering the basics during this valuable in-person time. The self-paced, online environment allows employees to spend less time in the classroom covering simple topics, and more time in the classroom covering complex topics that require the instructor’s expertise. Finding the right balance of classroom and online training can be quite the challenge, but it is essential to do so or you risk wasting valuable employee time and company money.
To further cement the validity of blended learning in the workplace, you only need to look around at the world we all live in. People are more familiar with technology than ever before, and this is due to its prevalence in the world today. 57% of the world population has internet access, and due to recent unforeseen circumstances, online training is more important than ever. Building infrastructure through online platforms is essential so that training does not have to be halted when obstacles occur. Data continues to show that humans retain information in small bites, and using self-paced online learning is optimal for an individual’s knowledge retention.
If you look to the future, online training will become even more relevant. Generation Z is the most tech-savvy generation in history. Growing up around technology their whole life has engrained it into them. Utilizing blended learning will only become easier as time goes on and more of Generation Z enters the workforce. Building these systems now will continue to pay dividends in the form of efficiency, reduced costs, and employee happiness for years to come.
Implementing blended learning into your company’s training strategy will improve employee overall knowledge retention, allow people the convenience to control their own pace on certain topics, and enable in-person classroom training to focus on more complicated areas where instructor expertise is vital. This will save the company time and money, while at the same time increasing employee knowledge in the most efficient and convenient way possible.