Online safety Support for the Autumn Term
We will steer clear of the cliches "back-to-school" and "fresh start" and instead provide a supportive bundle of solutions, resources, and events to help you teach engaging and impactful online safety.
Young learners need digital literacy more than ever and Natterhub prepares them for a connected world. Our interactive lessons give pupils a voice in online learning, lifting the lid on their experiences like never before.
Let’s take a look at what’s in store for the autumn term…
Free 'Slides & Guides' Teach Meet
We are hosting a FREE Slides & Guides Teach Meet. These events are designed to provide information and slide content for confidently presenting online safety topics to parents and carers of primary-aged children.
Recent headlines about children’s smartphone use have added more complexity to parent/carer decision-making.
We are here to help you provide your extended school community with a broader perspective on how such actions impact children’s online safety and digital literacy.
Join us FREE on Thursday, 03 of October at 4.00 pm.
We’ll walk you through the latest information and every attendee will receive FREE presentation slides to take away.
Live Lesson for Anti-Bullying Week
How about a FREE live lesson for your class during Anti-Bullying Week?
Aligned to their theme: Choose Respect, we are hosting a lesson that looks at ‘Banter vs Bullying’. Join us from your classroom for a fun, interactive session guaranteed to immerse your pupils in this important topic.
Join us FREE on Tuesday, 12 November at 11:00 AM
Twinkl member? Free Online Safety Webinar
This month we welcome Twinkl members to an exclusive online safety webinar for parents, carers, and educators.
There’s something for everyone, with headline online safety stats, practical tips, and signposts for free resources.
Join us Thursday, 19 September at 7:00 PM
Natterhub Data Report
Based on anonymous insights from over 50,000 pupils using our platform, our findings offer a unique opportunity to learn how the online world feels for 5-11-year-olds.
A copy of this report is available to view and download from our website.
Natterhub Feature on BBC Radio
Tune into a recent discussion about smartphone use for children on BBC Radio featuring our co-founder, Caroline.