Online Mock Examination in Civil Engineering (CE)

Civil Engineering does have wide scopes for Government jobs in India. Civil engineering is top appeared engineering branch after mechanical engineering. GATE examination does have separate examinations and sessions for civil engineering. Civil engineering candidates will have to prepare well for their GATE examination which will be conducted in Feb-March 2017.

The live online mock examination in Civil Engineering (CE) is useful for candidates who are preparing for GATE CE exam, IES Civil Engineering exam, PSU examinations like RRB Engineer Recruitment examinations, UPSC and State PSC civil/ structural/ highway engineer and Architect recruitment examinations and in interviews of Private Sector Companies for Civil/Structural/ Planning Engineers and Architects.

Questions are available from the following topics in Civil Engineering

  • Structural Engineering,
  • Mechanics, Structural Analysis,
  • Concrete Structures,
  • Geotechnical Engineering,
  • Soil Mechanics,
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering,
  • Irrigation,
  • Environmental Engineering,
  • Transportation Engineering


Civil Engineering online Mock Test Directions:

1. Select the link below to proceed to the examination

2. A total of 10 questions will be asked to you in an examination, allowed time will be 5 minutes, and each question carries one mark.

3. Questions will be randomly selected from a question bank. So each time you will be appearing for a new set of questions

4. One question will be provided to you at a time, select the answer from the given options. Save the answer to continue to the next question. You can also skip the question for a later time.

5. Use latest versions of browsers. Some versions of Internet Explorer not supported.

6. DO NOT select multiple answers

7. The pass percentage is 70.

8. At the end of the examination, you will be provided with the answer sheet and review. You can compare your answer with the correct ones.


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