Online messaging matters...

Prospective clients stalk your social media. They look to see your political views, your religious beliefs, your views on anything and everything. They look for reasons to choose you, or eliminate you.

Let's face it... we are living in very weird times. I have never seen Americans turning against Americans, have never seen the anger in politics, elections and court decisions. If you simply log onto social media you will see people attacking each other, de-friending long time friends posting lie after lie. It does not matter what side you are on... it seems the country has lost its collective mind.

So what is a business person to do. You have no good choice... but you really have 3 options.

  • You can post your opinions which will upset a large group of people who disagree with you and will cost you business.
  • You can try to be neutral by encouraging people to get along and understand each other which will upset everyone and cost you business.
  • You can post professional posts and stay completely out of anything controversial and possibly still lose a little business from those who will demand you take a stand... but you will lose far less business.

There are a few facts that you should keep in mind...

  • The fact that you agree with someone on social media does not mean they will use you. They likely have vendors already that agree with them.
  • The fact someone disagrees with you will most likely cost you their business.
  • No one ever wins an argument online and changes someone's mind.

There might be something that is so logical to you that you believe it 100%. You truly cannot imagine how anyone can disagree. "They are idiots if they think that" may go through your mind. Your arguments for while you are right make sense to you and you are not open to hearing their view. But remember that they feel the same way.

If you are arrogant or narcissistic enough to believe that you are always right then you are free to go right on posting your beliefs. But it will hurt your business and it will not change anyone else's mind. In fact, you will lose friends and likely become a target to those who disagree. Your beliefs are best kept to yourself and not posted on social media.

I have a friend who hates both parties, is an atheist, not a Buckeye fan, hates taxes, supports gun rights but does not think people need AR-15s and supports background checks, is anti-abortion in his own life but does not claim to think he has the right to force his views on others. He is even pro legal immigration but wants our borders secured. He is pro LGBTQ but also likes devout Christians, even though he does not share their beliefs. Can you imagine the hatred he would get if he posted that belief system online? He would piss everyone off. Instead he posts business articles and a lot of amusing (non-offensive) posts.

Oh, and he is one of the nicest people I know, always willing to help others, generous to others, always trying to help those less fortunate and I am proud to call him a friend... even though I don't agree with him on a lot of issues.

You have the right to post what you want... but be aware that words have consequences. Your beliefs are yours to have, and even if we disagree I believe in your rights to believe what you want. But I may not do business with you... and you may not do business with me. Keep it professional, keep it to yourself and your close friends and family and don't lose business.

It’s tough when you find out that close friends, sometimes even family, have opinions or beliefs that are contrary to yours. In those times, I try to remember the saying to ‘Seek first to understand, then to be understood’, and it helps. What a beautiful world it would be if this wasn’t easier said than done.

Nice post Michelle. I believe that the best thing we can do is to be our authentic self. I loved the line "You have the right to post what you want... but be aware that words have consequences." Another way of saying this I believe, is to ask yourself "what is my motive in writing and/or sharing this information? and then "Will I get what I want by doing this." Be intentional!


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