Online MBCT
Online MBCT

Online MBCT

Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) via Skype. Learn how to manage reactive thinking, which is the main cause of anxiety, depression and stress. Learn how to facilitate inner healing and enhance emotional wellbeing.

OOnline Therapy via Skype is available for the USA, Canada, UK & Western Europe.

Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy

Main conditions treated through Online Mindfulness Therapy:

Online Mindfulness-based Therapy via Skype for overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using Drugs

Email me to find out more about Skype Therapy with me.

During these Skype sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for working with all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by using the well-tested teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is extremely effective and you will notice significant results after the first few sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is highly effective for overcoming anxiety and depression without using drugs. It is far better to treat the underlying cause of your psychological suffering instead of just suppressing symptoms.

The main healing factors cultivated during mindfulness-based psychotherapy are Consciousness, which is vital for breaking free from the reactive psychological habits that cause emotional suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what promotes healing and resolution of psychological suffering.

"After only three sessions my anxiety had greatly diminished. ?After five sessions I am now having days where I feel completely like my old self-again; it is complete Bliss! This teaching truly makes sense on such a spiritual level, I now know I am going to overcome this and am on the path to complete recovery. I am so grateful for finding Peter! Thank-you so much!"


Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online. So, what is online therapy? Well, basically this is a way of getting help with anxiety or depression or addictions from a therapist using the internet. It is sometimes called Internet Therapy or even Skype Therapy, especially if you are using Skype as a way of talking with each other. I greatly prefer Skype for talking with clients because it allows us to have a much more direct and intimate form of communication, we can see each other, communication is just much more effective, when we can see each other as well as hear each other.

So, Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online is one choice that is becoming very popular indeed, especially for working with anxiety, also with depression and addictions, as I say. This works particularly well online, but there are many other kinds of online therapy available, an if you are choosing online therapy, I recommend that you…make sure that you can talk to your therapist first of all, before you spend any money on this service. Make sure that the quality of online therapy that's being offered matches your needs and your style, and that it feels right for you. This is very important, so make sure you can talk to your prospective therapist either through Skype or through email communication before hand. I would recommend, never pay upfront for online therapy; always make sure that you are satisfied with what you receive and then make your payment. That's certainly what I offer in my online therapy service.

If you are interested in Mindfulness Therapy, in particular, please visit my website and you will learn much more about Online Mindfulness Therapy. This is a very effective way of working with anxiety, depression and addictions, by helping you change the underlying cause of the anxiety or depression, rather than just treating the symptoms, and it's really much more effective than traditional talk therapy where you are just talking about your emotions. Much more effective if you look at the underlying process that creates those emotions. Looking at the patterns of reactive thinking and the structure of the emotion itself - how you see that emotion internally - very important, indeed, for producing effective change.

If you would like to learn more about the online therapy service that I offer, please contact me via email and ask any questions you have and when you feel comfortable then we can schedule an online therapy session.

Most people who choose the Mindfulness Therapy option can expect to see quite significant changes within, probably, 4 and 6 sessions; this is quite typical. The reason why it is so effective is because we look at this underlying cause, the underlying process. Can't emphasize that enough. That's what leads to change if you really want to get over anxiety or depression or if you really want to recover from an addiction.

So, please contact me and let's schedule a session of Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you!


Online Mindfulness-based Counseling Service for Managing Anxiety &?Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in online therapy that I provide over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems without the use of medications.

This is not a medical treatment. This is a form of psychotherapy called mindfulness therapy that I've developed over the years and found to be particularly effective for anxiety and depression. So I'm often asked is online therapy as effective as in person therapy? And the answer is yes it is, certainly.

For the vast majority of people online therapy is just as effective as therapy in person, especially if you use Skype or similar video platform so you can see each other. That's the key ingredient. You must be able to see each other to really have good communication which is so important for effective psychotherapy. So if you can see each other then in my opinion there is no appreciable difference between online therapy and therapy in the therapist's office.

Now online therapy does offer some advantages. Clearly it's more convenient for you the client, because it means you can conduct your therapy sessions from home or from work or even in your car. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet reception and then you can conduct online therapy.

So people like the convenience, and people living in remote areas or for people living abroad, if you're based in a foreign country, you may not have access to the right kind of psychotherapist. And so online therapy gives you greater options for getting the kind of help that you are looking for from managing emotional problems such as anxiety or depression or addiction.

A lot of people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. You don't have to wait in a therapist's office or similar public environment like that. You can conduct your sessions in the privacy of your own home and that's a big factor especially if you are struggling with a difficult set of emotions that you might be experiencing such as with depression or with addiction. So that greater level of privacy from your point of view is often just what we're looking for.

The other advantage of online therapy is that it's more comfortable for you as well. It's much less intimidating than the more typical clinical based therapy that's offered in a psychotherapist's office setting. From my point of view, my philosophy, is that we want to make psychotherapy as comfortable as possible. It should not be clinical in nature.

I personally do not advocate a medical approach for treating anxiety or depression. Medications may have some value in controlling symptoms but medications will do very little indeed to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction. That requires the right kind of psychological help, working with the underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression or other emotional problem.

So the style of psychotherapy that I specialize in and find works best for the vast majority of people online is mindfulness therapy. This is a particular system of psychotherapy that I've developed over the last ten years or more that really focuses on working with those underlying habits which are primarily based around habitual reactive thinking.

So anxiety and depression are habits. They are learned habits. We are not born with anxiety or depression. We acquire these habits through time and often through trying to cope with emotional trauma in childhood. It's very common as a common starting point for the anxiety habits of the depression habit. Addiction often flows from that underlying anxiety or depression.

So we work on these habits very, very systematically in a focused way. We learn to dis-identify from the reactive thoughts. We learn to establish a healing relationship with the emotions based on compassion, which is a very important part of mindfulness teaching in general.

So if you'd like to learn more about Skype counseling therapy for anxiety or depression. If you would like to start sessions with me, then reach out to me by email. Simply contact me through my website and we can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you.


Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy?via?Skype?with?Online?Psychotherapist?Peter?Strong

Online Counseling - Mindfulness Counseling Online via Skype

Online Counseling is an excellent choice if you are looking for help with anxiety, depression, addictions or for other emotional problems. Mindfulness Counseling is a particularly good choice because it works by resolving the underlying process that causes emotional distress, rather than just treating symptoms. For this reason, most people see significant changes in a much shorter time than traditional "talk therapy."

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional Online Counselor. I offer Online Counseling via Skype throughout America, Canada, the UK and Europe.

Many people prefer online counseling these days because of convenience, and because it allows them greater freedom to find the kind of therapist that they want to work with. Sometimes, if you are living in a rural area or if you are living abroad, you may not be able to find a counselor locally who you feel comfortable working with. So, the online option is very convenient, indeed, if you are living in a rural area or if you are living abroad.

The style of online counseling that I provide via Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is a very effective way of working with anxiety, including panic attacks, social anxiety; and most anxiety disorders respond very well to Mindfulness Therapy.

You can learn much more about my approach by visiting my website and if you are interested in scheduling a session of online counseling, please email me from my website and I will be happy to answer your questions and then we can go ahead and schedule an online counseling session.

You will find this a very effective approach. People greatly enjoy the mindfulness approach for working with emotions. It gives you the skills you need to work with emotions in a way that helps them resolve and it help protect you from becoming overwhelmed by emotions. So mindfulness is now one of the preferred methods for working with anxiety, depression and emotional stress.

So, please visit my website and email me.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong.

Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.


Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy?via?Skype?with?Online?Psychotherapist?Peter?Strong

Online Counseling and Online Therapy Services for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Depression, Stress, PTSD and Addictions.

The Online Mindfulness Therapy Service that I provide is VERY effective for Anxiety and for helping you overcome difficult emotional reactions and those negative emotional habits that keep us stuck. Most people see tremendous benefits after as few as 3-4 sessions.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong. Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service.

Many people prefer the convenience of an online counseling therapy service - it is certainly more convenient than in-person counseling sessions. Online Therapy is also a good choice if you are struggling with recovery from an addiction. Again, online therapy sessions are more private and less intimidating for most people.


Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional Online Psychotherapist. I provide an Online Counseling Service and an Online Therapy Service to people throughout the United States and Canada, and also abroad in the UK and Europe. The style of therapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this works particularly well for anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia or social anxiety, as well as depression and emotional stress. I also provide an Online Counseling Service for Addictions and other forms of problematic emotional habits that you may be struggling with.

So, please, head on over to my website and learn more about this Online Therapy Service, and I hope that you will contact me and ask your questions and let's go ahead and schedule a Skype Therapy session. There is no charge if you do not like the Skype Therapy session, but most people are delighted by this service and they like the mindfulness therapy approach that I specialize in and find it very much more effective than many of the older styles of talking therapy. So, any case, head on over to my website and contact me. Thank you!


Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy USA - Talk to a Therapist via Skype

Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you eliminate anxiety or depression

Speak with a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Addictions, including eating disorders, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other emotional problems not requiring medical treatment.

Contact me to learn more about this online therapy service and to book a therapy session with me.

There are many online psychotherapy sites providing therapy and counseling for help with anxiety, depression and addictions. The most important advice I can give so that you have a positive experience with online therapy is that you make sure that you start with a good line of email communication first so that you can feel comfortable with your choice.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist, providing mindfulness therapy, primarily, for the treatment of anxiety, depression, addictions, obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD and other emotional issues that you may be struggling with. So there are many online therapy sites available now, some specializing in online therapy for addictions, others specializing in online counseling for anxiety, and others for the online treatment of depression. Many of these online therapy sites primarily provide information and resources and some are basically directories of therapists who are available to work online with you.

I specialize in providing individual instruction in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety, depression and addictions. This style of therapy is proving to be very effective indeed, especially for anxiety disorders.

Unlike talk therapy and unlike medication, mindfulness therapy really focuses on helping you transform the actual process itself that creates your emotional suffering. Talk therapy traditionally only really treats symptoms, and the same is true for medications, whether they are antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications. They may provide a temporary relief from symptoms, but they do very little to change the underlying process that causes the anxiety or depression.

Mindfulness therapy does address that underlying cause. It helps you actually transform the habitual reactive thinking that tends to fuel anxiety and depression. But it also teaches you how to change the internal structure of your emotions, whether that is anxiety or depression or an addiction. All emotions have an internal structure and that structure primarily revolves around internal imagery. You might not be aware of this imagery, but when you bring mindfulness to it and begin to investigate the structure of your emotions you will uncover this emotional imagery.

And it is a very important factor in determining the strength of your emotion. Once you begin to uncover the emotional imagery you can begin to change that imagery, consciously. You can restructure that internal imagery, and when you change the imagery you will, indeed, change the emotion itself, you will decrease in intensity. So working with imagery is a very important factor in mindfulness therapy.

If you'd like to learn more about mindfulness therapy and my online therapy website, do please visit my website and read the articles that are posted there, watch more of the videos on the site, and then contact me to ask any questions you have about how to work with anxiety or depression, both through online therapy and through employing the methods of mindfulness therapy that I teach.

Most people can expect to see quite significant improvement in their anxiety or depression after only three or four sessions of this online mindfulness therapy. The reason why it's so effective is because we are addressing the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction.

So, please visit my site and then email me and let's schedule a trial Skype therapy session. All the details are on my website, and all you need to do is contact me when you are ready to schedule an online therapy session.


Further reading:

Online MBCT
Online MBCT


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