Online Marketing Paradise

Online Marketing Paradise

Excitement is in the air, Goulds Marketing Services LLC is “growing”. Maybe futuristically we will get a new facelift but for now, I love the way we look because it does exactly what I intended it to do which was to be “eye-catching”, “flamboyant and provocative”. Many have personally told me that they really liked the look. So that sounds good to me so I’ll stay the course until I get some type revelation from the Most-High to do differently. Remember, we are “God Inspired”, so we can do everything but fail and I TRULY, TRULY, believe that. 

Online Marketing Paradise

I really like this title, ABOVE, we will work HARD to become a 1-Stop Shop for people’s marketing needs, just you wait and see. This may inexplicably present challenges that others would want to throw in the towel, but not me. I am hell bent on seeing this “Godly Vision Come to Fruition. I have a basic foundation of what this vision encompasses but I am “more inspired by God because of the unknown” and whom my Most High may have me connect with to take this Corporation to the next level of my destiny. Recently, god has put several people in my life and I know they’re here for some reason and that is what I love because when this ALL comes together, we, Goulds Marketing Services LLC will become an Awesome, Awesome, Online Conglomerate for the Marketing Industry. This endeavor has been tedious, mind-boggling, entering path’s that I knew nothing about only having videos to learn from. But! God is Good and I knew through it all, that only “Good” would come from this. And that is what’s happening in my life currently. So I am excited.

I have already started making changes on the website blog that are visible to the eye such as when people mouse over my Menus at the TOP of my site, they will see “Drop-Downs”, (sub-menus) that are filled with all kinds of Resources that can benefit marketers and the like. Many of these opportunities I am a member of or know the owners of the companies. In my “Resources” (Tab), the same is true. Plenty of contacts, connections, and services that we are providing that will enable marketers to achieve and go higher as I am doing simultaneously.

Visitors can now see “Text and Display Ads” casually posted all on my site that is authorized by Google and placed on my site by advertisers. So I am learning, moving and grooving as I am inspired by god to do so. Honestly, I had NEVER thought of this before until recently when God put the thought in my spirit to do so. There is so much more forthcoming that I can only do so much at a time. I am convinced because of “Gods hand in my life”, I can do everything but Fail, I am convinced of that. He has truly sent me people that I had never known before that I feel will be instrumental in some way, shape, form, or fashion. So I am Grateful and Thankful to them and My God.

So I want to finally say “Welcome to Goulds Marketing Services LLC, an Online Marketing Paradise”. 

Join us and become a part of history in the making. Also, leave us a comment and Grow with us as we grow.

Online Marketing Paradise we’re it!

We also have an E-commerce site that we will be simultaneously promoting and marketing as well. I haven’t been putting much effort at all in that endeavor but I do plan to soon. I already have it up and running but have not been driving traffic to it yet. I have a lot on my plate and need to become the BEST at this endeavor before taking on more responsibility. Stay tuned futuristically for more posts, offers, newsletters, online news, coupon offers, and the like.

Thank you and God bless you,


Goulds Marketing Services LLC

(A Dun & Bradstreet Corp.)

p.s. If you don’t mind please JOIN US, or leave a comment that you were here. Signup on one of the signup forms like the “Scrolling Signup Form” that comes up on the “right side of my blog”. We also have one that comes up in the middle of the page. We are a company that’s on the move upward and would love for you to come along for the ride. We’re a Marketing Services, uniquely different, so please join us by filling out the form that you see here on our website.

p.p.s. while your at it, you might as well learn creating a WP blog website


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