Online Make Up Tips
Lisa Newport
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The lack of face to face consultations has left a bit of a gap in my diary (and bank balance) so I’ve been using the gift of time to get organised with my ‘I’ll get around to it one day’ list.
One of these things was to update my make up video tutorials and online course as, although the content is still totally relevant, I look different and that makes them look old. The main difference is my hair – I recorded most of the videos before I embraced the seenager highlights.
Also, and this is REALLY interesting, my skin looks so much smoother and radiant now than it did a few years ago. I put this down to a change in my skin care routine and using the lovely Tropic products. A few years ago, I wouldn’t even put the bin out without a full face on whereas now I’m happy to share selfies on my social media of my make up free fizzog.
More so these past few weeks of lockdown and I’ve been showing up on camera with my 3 minutes make up routine on instead of my full face – which takes me 12 minutes by the way.
My first true love was make up. I have always been interested in make-up from a very early age. I once went to brownies with a black eye that I’d created from my mum’s purple eyeshadow. Brown owl humoured me, and I felt so proud that I’d fooled her with my applications skills.
I’m ashamed to say that I got pulled up for shoplifting make up in Woolworths when I was at primary school. My dad used to take me and sister into town on a Saturday morning, we’d go to the library and then the, market for fruit and veg; this particularly time was when we were allowed to look around the shops on our own while dad did the market run.
I was in charge of my sister, but I was probably only 9 or 10 myself. We had pocket money but that was for pic n’ mix and didn’t anywhere near stretch to make up so we decided to nick some. We were obviously shit thieves as we got caught straight away. I had two eyeshadows and a strawberry flavoured rollerball lip gloss in my coat pocket.
My dad’s face as he came to collect us from the store detective’s office was not a pretty sight. Needless to say, my robbing days were short lived. It didn’t go against us in later life as my sis ended up serving 30 years and got medals as a police officer and I did my stint in prison education with a clear criminal record.
I decided around 14 years old that my ambition was to be a make-up artist. I studied Jackie magazine every week and then went on to do an evening class for skin care and make up alongside my a levels. I achieved city and guilds make up qualification in 1983 – it’s gone on to serve me well.
This past week has been spent learning new skills in technology and I’ve totally recreated my video tutorials and put them in a new format. I’m feeling quite pleased with myself.
In my Make Up for Your Fab 40+ Years I go through the products step by step in mini bite sized videos.
I explain the purpose of each product and give a demo too. That way you can decide whether or not you want to include it in your routine.
There is also my 3 minutes make up routine if you just need a bit of a boost for online video calls during this lockdown period. You can click here to watch this, and it will give you a taster of what the V book is like.
I'm really excited to share this revamped make up masterclass with you.
So easy to access from your phone, tablet or PC. No log in details required and immediate lifetime access!
There’s 50% discount introductory offer for my lovely followers, so it’s just £19 until the end of April.
Click here to buy your copy and make sure to use the coupon code APR19 redeem your discount Buy Make Up for Your 40+ Years for £19
And continuing with my make up theme this week here are a few more tips for spring/summer make up (hopefully we will be out and about before too long)
??Try a BB cream or light moisturiser with SPF to give your skin light coverage and protection at the same time.
?? You can mix a bit of moisturiser in with your normal foundation for a lighter finish
?? A quick swoosh with bronzer or highlighter on areas that would catch the sun will give you a healthy glow. Think cheeks, down the nose and across the forehead.
?? Try a more sheer lip colour and avoid matte finishes for a fresher look.
??Try a waterproof mascara to prevent running. Remember to change your mascara regularly to avoid eye infections.
??Use blotting papers or a powder compact if you want to blot shone throughout the day
??Spring clean your make up brushes by washing them with anti bac soap and warm water. Leave them to dry naturally.
??Choose colours that fit your natural colouring best- Warm undertones stick to rust, bronze, gold, coral and peachy tones. Cool undertones go for cool pinks, blues, purples and step away from anything orangey.
There’s 50% discount introductory offer for my lovely followers, so it’s just £19 until the end of April.
Click here to buy your copy and make sure to use the coupon code APR19 redeem your discount
Lisa Newport : image consultant and colour geek. I work with savvy women helping you express your identity and hone the language of colour, image and style . I'm an experienced trainer and can be booked to speak and deliver workshops get in touch with me [email protected]