Is buying life insurance online a better choice than using a broker?
Recently several startups have been selling life insurance online and claim that they can issue policies in as little as 10 minutes.
So what is gained by a quick issue? Is the policy in force quicker? Are the rates the best available?
I have been a broker selling life insurance for 50 years. As an independent broker, I try to always get my clients the best available rate with the strongest companies offering the best options and still have the most competitive costs.
When someone calls our office to compare their online quote with our best option, it is very rare that that our rate is not lower. In addition, in most cases, we can offer a conditional receipt to bind coverage for those that need insurance issued faster.
My advice is that if you are looking for life insurance, don't take the easiest and fastest way. Check with us for a second opinion.
Our website is You can also run your own rates at Rates run off this site are completely confidential. Call our office at 617-964-4849 to go over your situation and make sure you are getting the best policy with the best rates.