Online Lenders Alliance Congratulates Rep. French Hill on Selection to Chair House Financial Services Committee in 119th Congress
ARLINGTON, Va. (December 12, 2024)—After the Republican Steering Committee selected Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.) to become Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee when the next Congress convenes in January, Online Lenders Alliance Chief Executive Officer Andrew Duke issued the following statement:
“On behalf of the Online Lenders Alliance, we congratulate Rep. French Hill on being chosen to chair the House Financial Services Committee in the next Congress. Rep. Hill’s background as a regulator and a banker before his time as a legislator gives him a unique perspective on the issues that impact OLA members, as well as the financial services sector at large. He is an excellent choice and we look forward to working with him and his staff when the next Congress convenes in January.
“The Steering Committee had a difficult task to decide among a very qualified and talented group of candidates, and we look forward to working with all of them in their continued leadership roles. Lastly, we want to take this opportunity to thank the Committee’s outgoing chair, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), for his years of service in Congress and for his leadership on the Committee over the last several years. He leaves an outstanding record of accomplishments and we wish him well in his next chapter.”