Online Learning---Service quality Institute
John Tschohl
President of the Service Quality Institute I Father of Customer Service I Customer Experience Global Guru I Bestselling Author I Speaker I Strategist
Our online program has more video than any online learning program in the world. If a firm had to film all the video we use in the 14 courses it would cost several hundred thousand dollars. SQI has millions of dollars in video that we use to make a more exciting online learning.The Service Quality Institutes’ innovative online certification courses are designed to cultivate a general standard of exemplary service by empowering each employee with the tools needed for consistent success in their daily interactions.We have partnered with Vubiz to improve the design. In addition they have a huge inventory of online learning that you can also access.We have 14 online learning courses for you to choose from and if you choose any 14 you receive Certification and a $187 discount. The new pricing is $49 each and only $499 for all 14 and the Certificate. The 14 sessions are:
- Quality Service Definition
- Customers and Their Decisions
- Understanding Customer Interactions
- Exceeding Customer Expectations
- Working as a Team
- Feedback
- Empowerment
- Employing the Strategy of Speed
- The language of Positive Communication
- Effective Communication
- Effective Telephone Techniques
- Handling Complaints and Service Recovery
- Service Attitude and Mindset
- Quality of Work
It will play on mobile devices. Each of the 14 courses have a substantial amount of live video in the course. Click here to place your order.Online