Online GDPR Training
Tom Southern
Enterprise Sales Executive at Joblogic | 9+ years’ experience in HR, Safety & FM Solutions - Sharing related insights, connecting to expand my industry awareness.
It is with great pride and gratefulness for being given the time that I make this announcement about our Online GDPR Training Course which launched last month. Over the last 7 months I've created the content for Safesmart's first Online GDPR Training Course and our awesome in house development team has built it swiftly. The data protection officer and risk manager of a leading multi-site retailer with thousands of staff has said he loved it, that he found it very informative and the links extremely useful.
I believe you will find it useful too.
Safesmart have decided to create this online GDPR training course as Health & Safety Consultants & Compliance Management Experts with over 16 years’ experience of summarising complex legislation into readable and memorable amounts.
We have sent our GDPR training course material to specialist lawyers and very soon when they have completed their review the course will also have branded “Produced in conjunction with and checked by” status from a specialist data protection law firm that will be named on the course. Having specialist data protection GDPR lawyers on board with this course is testament to how informative our online GDPR course is.
Please get in touch if you'd like a Free Demo & Trial.
Best wishes,
More info about the course here: