Online Education: Beneficial To Adult Students -By Grace Naomi Hinds

Online Education: Beneficial To Adult Students -By Grace Naomi Hinds

As someone who pursued online education after the age of 50, I understand firsthand the challenges and benefits of this decision. Earning a master's degree and a Ph.D. in Education and teaching online college degree programs for the past ten years has been a revelation. Many adults over 50 enroll in online platforms to continue their education and careers. However, online education can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with technology and students who have not functioned within academia in decades. In this article, I will explore how adults learn differently from younger students, the principles of adult learning, the benefits of the online paradigm for adult learners, and provide tips and resources for success.

Introduction to Online Education for Adults

Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly for adults over 50. According to a National Center for Education Statistics report, the number of adults over 50 enrolled in college courses increased by 20% between 2005 and 2015. Online education offers many benefits for adult learners, including flexibility, convenience, and lower costs. According to the Department of Education (2022), 1.6 million students, equivalent to 52 percent of total postbaccalaureate enrollment, took distance education courses exclusively.

The Adult Student

It is essential to understand that adults learn differently from younger students. Adult learners are more likely to have a clear idea of what they want to learn and why they want to attain knowledge. They are also more likely to have a wealth of experience and skills to draw upon in their learning. However, adult learners may also have different learning styles and preferences than younger students. For example, they may prefer to learn at their own pace, in their own time, and in a way relevant to their personal and professional goals.

Malcolm Knowles, Educator/Theorist: Andragogy?

Andragogy is a learning theory established in 1833. German teacher Alexander Kapp employed the term to substantiate his theories concerning Plato's Theory of Education. In the 1930s, American educators: Eduard Lindeman and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy reestablished the ideology. Today most scholars associate the learning theory andragogy with Malcolm?Knowles (1913-1997). Educator Malcolm Knowles revitalized the theory and dedicated his life to adult education. Knowles' analysis of adult education was the belief that there were benefits in formal and informal educational settings. The formal settings, including educational programs and institutions, were best for learning new, intensive material. Informal settings encompass community centers, workplaces, and houses of worship.

Andragogy is the study of adult learning based on regulations different from pedagogy, which is how children and young people learn. Andragogy primarily focuses on the needs and preferences of adult learners. Here are the assumptions:

Self-concept. Adult learners have a self-concept, meaning they are autonomous, independent, and self-directed.

Learning from Experience. Adults learn from their previous experiences. Thus, it is a good repository for learning.

Readiness to Learn. Adults tend to gravitate towards learning matters that are important to them and highly correlated with their relative uses.

Immediate Applications. The orientation of adult learning is for direct applications rather than future uses. The learning orientation of adults tends to slant towards being task-oriented, life-focused, and problem-centric.

Internally Motivated. Adults are more motivated by internal personal factors than external coaxes and pressures.

Need to Know. Adult learners need to know the value of their learning and the requisite application of the knowledge.?

Andragogy Principles

?Adult education must focus on solving specific problems.

?Adult education must rely on the experience of teachers.

?Teachers from training should gain significant knowledge and experience.

Teachers should be able to analyze and check teaching materials.

Teachers should receive feedback about their progress.

My teaching philosophy also includes cognitive and social constructivism. There are several similarities between constructivism and andragogy. Cognitive constructivism theory states that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their experiences and ideas. This theory (cognitive constructivism) states that schemas, basic units of knowledge used to organize past experiences, also serve as a basis for understanding new occurrences. Social constructivism focuses more on collaborative learning, predicated on the precept that knowledge manifests through interactions between people, culture, and societal exposure. Students develop educational syntheses through human experiences and rely on others within their community to build knowledge and reality.

The Benefits of Online Education for Adult Learners

Online education offers many benefits for adult learners, including flexibility, convenience, and lower costs. Online courses can be accessed anywhere, anytime, making them ideal for adult learners with busy schedules or other commitments. Online courses are often more affordable than traditional classroom-based courses, which can be a significant advantage for adult learners facing budget limitations.

Tips for success in online education after 50

There are many things that adult learners can do to increase their chances of success in online education, including:

Set clear goals and objectives for your learning.

Create a schedule and stick to it.

Find a quiet and comfortable place to study.

Ask for help when you need it.

*Common Challenges and Resolutions

There are many strategies that adult learners can use to overcome these challenges, including:

Develop good time management skills.

Seek out support from family, friends, and peers.

Stay motivated by setting achievable goals and celebrating your successes.

Best practices for online education

There are many best practices that adult learners can use to improve their chances of success in online education, including:

Use practical study skills, such as note-taking and summarizing.

Use Google and videos to reinforce your knowledge.

Participate in online discussions and forums.

Use technology to your advantage.

Develop good communication skills.

Take care of your physical and mental health.

*As a Ph.D. candidate, I used Google and videos to enhance my understanding of advanced quantitative statistics and methodologies. Those two resources reinforced and clarified what I learned in class.

Resources for online education - websites, courses, and tools

There are many resources available for adult learners who are interested in pursuing online education, including:

Online learning platforms, such as Coursera, Udemy, and edX.

Open educational resources, such as Khan Academy and OpenStax.

Online communities and forums, such as Reddit and Quora.

Educational apps and tools, such as Evernote and Quizlet.

?Adults Over 50: Success Stories

There are many success stories of adults over 50 who have pursued online education and achieved their goals: furthering their careers, learning new skills, or simply satisfying their curiosity. These success stories show that online education is a viable and effective option for adult learners of all ages. Many of my students obtained promotions, and some resigned from jobs to accept new employment opportunities with salary increases based on additional certifications and degrees acquired through online education. The adult student may or may not seek a degree; however, several certification programs require relatively short completion periods. It is essential to be cognizant that certifications and degrees added to a resume can change the trajectory of an individual's job prospects and salary.?

In conclusion, online education offers many benefits for adults over 50 or any age looking to continue their education and advance their careers. By understanding how adults learn differently from younger students, the principles of adult learning, and the best practices for online education, adult learners can increase their chances of success and achieve their personal and professional goals. With the resources and support available, there has never been a better time for adults to pursue online education and take control of their learning. Any adult with the right mindset, skills, and support can achieve their goals and use knowledge to ascend to the next level of education and career advancement.

About the Author:

Dr. Grace Naomi Hinds, Ph.D., M.Ed., is an adjunct professor/mentor at Lehman College (CUNY- City University of New York). Dr. Hinds teaches Leadership and Organizational Theories within the MSOL-Master of Science in Organizational Leadership program; she is also an experienced executive. Dr. Hinds held leadership positions in education, business, and music management. Additionally, she is a higher education consultant and author. Her book: Business Leadership and Organizational Theories.

*Business Leadership and Organizational Theories – Grace Naomi Hinds, Author. This book is an introduction to thirteen leadership and twelve organizational theories, with questions & answers, case studies, and articles concerning leadership, organizational, and learning theories. *Available on ?

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