Online Dating and Marketing - The Same (Almost)

Online Dating and Marketing - The Same (Almost)

Ever done online dating? It's marketing and business development rolled into one. No really, it is.

I know, you can stick a photo on tinder for free and hope someone swipes right. (You'd be surprised how many people just put a picture of their dog!)

But if you're going to take it seriously, and be taken seriously, you're going to first have to create a dating profile. Your profile is very, very important - it's lead generation for you. Look, I know you're absolutely gorgeous, but who's going to know that without some help!?

What makes a great profile? Pictures and words, and both matter. One picture isn't enough - you want several pictures that convey an accurate but attractive impression of: who you are and what you're like, and; what you like doing and where. You want pictures of you relaxed, enjoying yourself, doing social things, inside, but also outside in the wild outdoors - you get the idea - It's impression management.

The words, now you're talking! Your words provide more richness and context - the narrative you want to convey. You can provide examples and stories. You can convey values - what really matters to you. You can show character and maybe even quirkiness (in moderation). You can demonstrate you don't take yourself too seriously. You can get across that you're a uniquely special person (your USP!), someone that your prospective date just has to get acquainted with.

But your profile isn't just about you. You have to be clear about what you're looking for in a date or partner (read your ideal client). So you really have to give that some thought. Who's going to be a perfect fit for you? What will they: look like, do, know, value, like to do. You don't want just anyone. This is not scatter-gun marketing, it's niche marketing.

So you have a great profile and that generates a lot of interest (leads). The next stage is chatting. Usually that's messaging (likely email in business), initially in the dating app, but then off the app, onto say WhatsApp, and then actual, live communication on say a phone or Zoom call.

These marketing stages are super-important. It's getting to know each other a bit more, showing individuality and personality, being a bit flirty and humorous (with care). It's meeting and maybe even surpassing expectations. It's warming to someone. Maybe this guy is what I hoped he'd be - I've just got to meet him!

(There's another side to this you need to consider, and that's transparency linked to safety. I always encouraged potential dates to check me out thoroughly and actively helped by providing links and other stuff so they could dig for themselves if they wanted to.)

Then, if all goes well, you arrange to meet. You need to think about that carefully too. Where, when, how, doing what, how long, alcohol or soft drinks, what to wear, etc. Where's going to be, or feel, safe? Where will be relaxed so that you can both be at ease and conversation will flow? At some point, you have to meet. You'd be surprised how many people on dating apps just don't get to that point and/or won't meet. I mean, what's the point??

In business development terms, we're getting close to a sale now, but we're not there yet! Certainly if you sell any kind of service, you're going to have to get to this stage in some form. People need to meet you in some way, whether that's virtually or face-to-face. Only in that way can you really establish credibility and demonstrate why you will be great to work with. This is why running events (the business date) is so important - you get to meet your potential clients on your terms.

Of course, some dates (meetings) go better than others. Occasionally, it's OH MY GOD, NO! Sometimes, it's OK but probably not going to go anywhere. More often, you like the person, but don't see it as a relationship.

But then there's that person you just click with. They're attractive and warm and interesting. They're easy and fun to be with. They're a great fit. You have more dates and it grows into a relationship.

In business terms, were talking about someone becoming a great client, someone you potentially work with for years, someone who gives you more and more work, and different kinds of work. It's the business relationship that keeps on giving!

But remember, you don't get that wonderful, long-term relationship (client), without going through a series of steps:

  • A great profile attracts attention from the kind of people you'd like to meet
  • There's intial contact through the dating app.
  • You get to know them through lots of exchanged messages, shared pictures and stuff.
  • You set up a call to speak, live, for the first time (scary!).
  • If that goes well, you meet and hopefully click, and have a lovely time.
  • You start to meet more often, and it becomes clear you're compatible.

Then, and only then, do you have a relationship.

Getting clients is almost exactly the same. It's a business development process, and it's rare when you can miss out any steps and hope to succeed. The bigger the client, generally the longer the process takes, and the more work you have to put in (hoops to jump through) before you get the contract.

Sorry, there aren't usually short cuts. However, you might find you're already some way along the process, because of what you've done before.

Happy marketing!

Alan x


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