#059: Online Course: Using Soft Skills to Turn Customer Complaints into Customer Triumphs
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're returning to our popular series of online courses.
The course today is "Using Soft Skills to Turn Customer Complaints into Customer Triumphs".
As with all our online courses, there is a mix of both slides, videos, quizzes, and e-books on this course. This allows you to use the online course for your own self-paced learning or as the basis for a workshop for others.
To browse, view, or download any of the course resources, you only have to click on the image links in the newsletter.
To get the best out of this course, we recommend that you create a new online folder where you can save your notes and downloaded resources for study, review, and further learning.
01. Course Details
The "Course Details" slide provides you with an overview of the course. It gives you the course aim, 5 measurable learning targets, and an overview of the course.
02. Self-Assessment Worksheet
The "Self-Assessment" worksheet allows you to rate yourself across 10 statements about how well you know the topic of this course. The worksheet can also be used at the end of the course to see if your score is now higher because of what you've learnt.
03. Discussion Worksheet
The "Discussion Worksheet" is a slide with 5 questions about the topic of this course. The aim of the worksheet is to help you clarify your views and share them with others.
04. The Professional Development Programme Slides
The "Professional Development Programme" (PDP) is a set of slides that give you the main learning points of the topic along with related questions for you or your trainees to answer.
05. Course Topics
The "Course Topics" gives you a more in-depth presentation of what you need to know to master the topic of this course.
06. Videos
There are a wide range of videos on this topic on the Snippizz website of the MTL e-learning suite. These will give you different slants on the topic from experts in the field.
07. Course Exercises
The "Course Exercises" enable you to reinforce what you've learnt so far and practice some of the topic skills. They are invaluable if you are running a workshop on this topic.
08. Course Worksheets
The "Course Worksheets" are a set of question-and-answer forms that you can work through on your own or with others to clarify your own views and understanding of the topic.
09. Key Points
The "Key Points" are a set of one-liners that will help you remember some of the important takeaways in this topic.
10. Flash Cards
The "Flash Cards" test you on the 5 targets in this course that were set in the "Course Details" slide.
11. The Course Quiz
You can test yourself on what you've learnt on this course by creating your own quiz on The Soft Skills Quiz.
12. Course Quotes
The "Course Quotes" are a set of quotes on the topic of this course. They often contain illuminating views that can help you on your learning journey.
13. Follow-Up Activities
The "Follow-Up Activities" slide is a set of suggestions to help you practise what you've learnt from this course either in further workshop settings or in real life.
14. E-Books
If you want to dive into this topic in more depth, you can select one or more of the relevant e-books on BiznizBooks. After browsing through the selection using the link below, you can also download the e-book to your personal digital device and read it from there.
15. Articles and Blogs
If you want to read one or more of our blogs on this topic, you can select one of the relevant articles or blogs from our "Articles and Blogs" collection on BiznizBooks. After browsing through the selection using the link below, you can also download the article or blog to your personal digital device and read it from there.
16. Course Handout
If you want a concise summary of the main points in this topic, you can select one of the relevant Course Handouts from BiznizBooks. After browsing through the selection using the link below, you can also download the handout to your personal digital device and read it from there.
17. Course Infographic
The Course Infographic is a one-page visual summary of all the key learning points of this topic.
What Next?
If you have worked through each step of this course, you, (and your trainees if you ran a course), will now have a thorough knowledge of the topic, "Using Soft Skills to Turn Customer Complaints into Customer Triumphs".
You can now apply what you have learnt in your work and day-to-day life. With regular continuous practise, reflection, and review, this will make you fully competent and confident in the topic of "Using Soft Skills to Turn Customer Complaints into Customer Triumphs".
Thanks for reading this edition of the "People Skills" newsletter and good luck with your ongoing learning.
Oh, and one last thing.
In the spirit of making the world a freer, happier and more enlightened place...
...please pass this newsletter on.
Manage Train Learn Is Now Selling its Business - Find Out More Below
Are You Interested in Acquiring a Highly Profitable and Successful E-Learning Business?
Due to Eric's forthcoming retirement, we have now decided to put KSA Training Ltd, (parent company of Manage Train Learn), up for sale.
This sale comprises all 6 websites, over 22,000 soft skills learning items, and all 37 e-books which have earned over £1 million in global sales through our publishing partners.
We have been leaders in Soft Skills e-learning since the late 1990's and, today, there is unprecedented demand globally for "People Skills" learning and training.
Uniquely, we currently offer our materials for free use and download but a new owner can easily commercialise our offering through a wide range of options.
So, if you're interested in owning a successful e-learning business with huge potential in a huge market, email us in the first instance at [email protected] for further information.
You can also view us on LinkedIn where we have over 1500 followers and over 200 editions of the "People Skills" newsletter. Click here for our channel: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/eric-garner-100a1b128/
For more about Manage Train Learn, view "About MTL" here: https://www.managetrainlearn.com/#/category-listing/147.
Eric Garner
Managing Director
KSA Training Ltd
We are:
Kwizzers for games; The Soft Skills Quiz for quizzes; Snippizz for videos;
MTL/SlideTopics for slides; BiznizBooks for e-books; Build-a-Course for micro-courses