Online Blogging Platform
Mahesh Kumar Kolla
Cybersecurity Enthusiast | CSE Major '26 @ KL University | Director of Technology @ White Hat Hackers Club | Committed to Advancing Cybersecurity Solutions
Online Blogging Platform
Here is my article that explains the research part of my Skill Development Project (SDP-27).In our UG program we are given a project based on the business systems, which will help in our thinking of innovation and designing.
The business system we have chosen is?Online Blogging Platform. In this field, we performed a online research to analyze and emphasize,. This article is wholly based on the research we had taken.
Our Team
Let me introduce my Team Mates Before getting into the research aspects:
Mahesh Kumar Kolla - 2200032484
Harsha Vardhan Akula - 2200032531
Chandra Mahesh Babu Rapolu -2200032536
Online Blogging
A blogging platform is a service or software that is designed with the purpose of allowing bloggers to publish and manage their content easily.?A blog could refer to traditional written content or to video blogging, but the platform needs to be created with the focus of blogging in mind in order to be a real blogging platform.?Some blogging platforms give the users a unique URL or the ability to build their own website on the platform.?
That’s helpful for personalizing the blog, standing out from the crowd, and opening up more potential channels for revenue.?However, the platform might also be a hosting platform that doesn’t offer much customization.
User Research
The study of the target users
Based on our research only 25% of people are writing blogs for making money whereas 53.4% and 21.6% are writing for to share what they know and as a hobby.
Questions to understand the user group
1.How old are you?
Most of them are between the age group of 18-24
2.How often do you read articles?
Majority of people read it weekly and some are monthly and daily.
3.What kinds of blogs do you like?
Most people are interested in reading Fashion and lifestyle, Travel stories, Stories about people, Tech stuff.
4.Apps you use for blogging?
Majority of people use Facebook whereas Quora and reddit are in second.
5.What things must a good blogging platform have?
Most users want features like Sharing their blogs on other social media, Customizable themes and working with others whereas some users want download option and easy to write option.
6.Why do you want to write a blog?
Most of the users want to write for to share what they know whereas some of them for money.
7.Would you change to a new platform if it's better for talking with people and features?
Majority of users are choosing the platform with more features in it.
Our findings
From the research and survey we gained we understood that most of the users need need a webapp with user friendly interface with more features in it. We are designing a Webapp based with Python Django.