Arshad Shahoriar
ASP.NET Core Developer | Laravel | NopCommerce | Software Engineer at Brain Station 23 | Competitive Programmer | Continuous Learner
Onion Architecture is a software architectural pattern that aims to create a maintainable and testable software application by dividing it into different layers, each with a specific responsibility and level of abstraction. Applicable for big, complicated, and needs to last a long time type Projects.
Onion architecture Concepts:
The Onion Architecture consists of four main layers:
Dependency Rule:
Dependencies flow inward, with inner layers having no knowledge of outer layers. This ensures that high-level modules do not depend on low-level modules directly. Instead, both depend on abstractions, enabling interchangeable implementations and reducing coupling.
Separation of Concerns:
Each layer has a distinct responsibility, ensuring that business logic remains decoupled from infrastructure or presentation concerns. This separation improves code maintainability and facilitates testing.
It allows developers to easily change or replace any layer without affecting the other layers. It also enables automated testing at each layer, which makes it easier to ensure the correctness and quality of the application. Overall, the Onion Architecture is a flexible and scalable architecture that can be adapted to different types of applications and technologies.
It allows developers to easily change or replace any layer without affecting the other layers. It also enables automated testing at each layer, which makes it easier to ensure the correctness and quality of the application. Overall, the Onion Architecture is a flexible and scalable architecture that can be adapted to different types of applications and technologies.