The ongoing crisis in the Levant and Middle East.
Christian Deloughery
Retired Diplomat / Entrepreneur / Travel Insurance and Security Specialist
Speaking up against war crimes has become difficult. It seems that social ?Media in general keep protecting the views of Netanyahu and his Right Wing Coalition.
It is no secret that war crimes are ongoing in Gaza and Lebanon and yet it seems LinkedIn is somehow protecting Israel.
I just want to take the opportunity to remind LinkedIn and my followers, that speaking up against Zionism and the ongoing war crimes committed in the Middle Eastern conflict needs to be addressed, and I for one will continue to do so.
I have been so fortunate as being brought up in Denmark, having worked for and defended all our democratic rights and values granted by a country such as Denmark i.e. a country that values Humanity and Democracy, respect amongst its citizens. Having the rights freedom of press and opinion, Equality amongst people etc.
We need to stand up for our values and for Humanity.
Whether or not LinkedIn is the right forum for this can be discussed. However, LinkedIn being a professional platform for business I find it even more important to speak up.
As a professional businessperson, just think about the consequences it will have if we allow for this conflict to escalate. Not only will the oil and food prices rocket in the wrong direction. Only 2 years back when the Russia – Ukraine war started, we all surely remember what this did for the food and oil prices, it will harm the world of business but more so Humanity.
The world has endured pandemics, Suez Canal incident etc. just imagine what a large scale escalation of the current conflict will mean for the world of business.
The US and the Western world support Israel with billions of USD – just think of what good this money could be used for, if channeled into a peace program.
Today is October 7, a day which the world will never forget. What happened on this day should not be forgotten, may all the victims RIP and may the surviving hostages be reunited with their loved ones now.
Sadly, it pains me to think of the fact that Western hypocrisy is painfully visible.
It is becoming more and more evident to the world that there might be a hidden agenda behind these terrible ongoing war crimes committed by the Netanyahu extremist coalition government.
I will not go into detail in this post however, please educate yourself on the term “Greater Israel” I will cover this in detail in a later post. To want to raise the Israeli flag today, when it is a symbol of mass murder, apartheid and terror, is a contempt for not only the ?Palestinians and Lebanese who have been murdered by the Israeli state in recent decades. Every civilian casualty is one too many. All violence against defenseless civilians must be condemned. International law must be upheld, starting with the Geneva convention which was ratified by Israel in 1951. Today we see painful one sided coverage in the media and amongst political figures in Europe and in the West. When an Israeli life is lost, the outrage is massive. However, at the same time, when thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese children, women and elderly are buried under the rubble, the West remains silent. There is no mention of the hunger, the diseases, the destroyed homes, the broken families and displacement of millions of people in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. There is no regard for the safety of children, the fact being that entire generations will grow up in constant fear, with the sound of bombing as their lullaby. Adding to this it is a vicious spiral of hatred will evolve into more terror. The destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah will only lead to new resistance and nothing will be solved.
During the last Israeli invasion of Lebanon there was no Hamas nor Hezbollah, they all emerged as resistance groups fighting of the Israeli occupation.
We all know that this also applied to resistance against the Nazi regime during WW2, now it seems to happen again allover, the difference being that the Israel is playing a major role, in a reverse repeat.
When will the world realize that nothing justifies genocide. The world and especially our democratic governments in Europe and the West must call for a complete boycott of the Israeli government. Netanyahu and his cabinet must be condemned internationally and isolated for their crimes against humanity. We must demand immediate recognition of the Palestinian right to self-determination, and we must demand for our respective governments to stop supporting the criminal state of Israel.