Our Network Evolution : Nature Optimised Wealth
History repeats yet we keep missing the replays.
This rinse and repeat might have still kept us going, if only we did not make new capacity systems like AI and biotech threatening our own existence, at a rate much, much faster than our coordination systems to govern them.
Now we’ve got issues too big to manage, and too hard to ignore.
Environmental crises. Propaganda politics. Ecological extinction events.
Maybe. The truth is that our earth’s ecological systems will be just fine if we all disappeared tomorrow. Our socioeconomic systems — another story.
All of our stories are rooted in our relationship to time.
Our view of time is limited to the stories of our lives, as in the cost of anything is the amount of life we trade for it. This limiting view is now digging up time from the past as fuel from our dead ancestors and then projecting a future that has to keep stealing it as debt from our children’s children!
We use this one-way view of money and economics created by the power games borne from the profit motives of a few to manage this dysfunctional relationship with time and still confidently call it wealth? What the…
Idiotic or ironic, take your pick.
We go to so-called poor countries and use the people there to make more of this money, without ever really understanding how this money thing really works, or just simply asking the obvious — why are the most resourceful people in the most resource rich places on this planet called “poor”?
What is the point of buzzwords like financial inclusion, poverty eradication or inequality elimination, when the more money we print, the less buying power it has, and the faster we use up the resources of our living world?
Hmm. Now the rush for planetary exit strategies is starting to add up.
We have allowed our stubborn faith in the old stories of our socioeconomic systems to steal time from the real sources of where value is produced and consumed without ever asking why or even being allowed to! So much so, that now questioning the viability of anything other than the church of free market capitalism or blind compliance to social surveillance based controls gets censored and cancelled, while the clock is running out for everyone!
Rethink. Reframe. Revive.
Our next generation of ready technologies can see beyond our old ideas of time, with abilities to find and trace everythingfrom everywhere.
Every single unique point that we can observe anywhere on our planet can now be mapped and linked with all the infinitely traceable and incorruptible value information that we can possibly think to stack on top.
Our next stories have yet to sync up to this. Though now they’re emerging everywhere. How we choose to see ourselves with these new capacities, can fundamentally rewrite the reality of everything!
Opening up the next possibilities for each of us to see our individual impact relative to the whole observable world. This represents a world of possibilities even for economics and business as they are right now—unlocking immediate benefits from the trillions in revenues now lost to the linear production and distribution processes that over consume and waste our non-renewable resources in foundational industries from forests to food to fuel.
Rewiring these flows can rewrite our realities including reinventing the next Internet itself into a living model of our collective intelligence. Repurposing all the expensive energy now spent in transactions on blockchains and the security risks of storing everyone’s data as copies on centralised servers.
Now we can redesign the real estate of the real world for real-time resilience, empowering each of us to be the co-owners of a vibrant new thriving world that’s connected to everything.
Restoring our faith in our relationships to ourselves, to each other and to all life, with new stories for living and loving, and the next ways for managing our environment, energy, economic and governing systems in real time from incorruptible information that we can trust, to our identities that we can own, to infrastructure as a service ecosystems that we can co-invest in simply and automatically backed by sophisticated interconnectivity.
How simple?
What can that look like?
Let’s start with a new story of you and me and our next digital identity.
Say hello to the O.
The “O” is the digital twin identity and meta-token protocol from ONE, that delivers the decentralised digital asset management structures to close the chasm between economic incentives and ecological impact. A dynamic real-time feedback bridge between the digital and physical. The metaverse meets our mother earth.
Now, with the O, our new digital identity is also our wallet, bank vault and personal data cloud, interconnected to The Living Internet of Everything—growing more and more valuable with our everyday activities with privacy and security that we control. We make the network more intelligent, and the network makes us wealthier for it.
Until now, our economic operating systems have been consumer centric.
In other words, we first assume our resource scarcity by region, and then centrally aggregate locally available resources with fixed rules to decide who gets what and why. Now with our new eyes for seeing everything from their points of origin anywhere and everywhere, our economic and social operating systems can shift to become producer centric just like nature herself.
Meaning our mother earth is the primary producer, we the people are the prosuming processors, and our network cooperative platforms are the new marketplaces for dynamic value exchanges in equilibrium with the real time resource supply and demand information now available for anyone to access anytime from the natural living world.
These new ways of seeing and solving requires co-creative coordination with multidisciplinary storytellers, strategists and solution providers to share their best within a resource supported co-innovation space.
This is what ONE, Our Network Evolution is making possible NOW!
Our ONE foundation non-profit research and design ecosystem, and for-profit sector specific project incubators, now make these realities possible. We can bake in checks and balances with fairness protocol designs into the digital governance of these structures. Reconnecting us to a real-time, regenerative, resource based economic reality.
We’ve always known that a more beautiful world was waiting for us within this one, and now we can see more of it together, to value new provisional, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services.
Using proven network cooperative models, we can now redesign real world realities to claim new models for co-ownership, ecosystem partnerships, co-equity, and real-time fair accountability of these infinitely traceable and geolocatable points as POVs or Points Of Value co-creation.
ONE enables us to value any and all ecosystem services, but ONE does not say what those values are — only what they can be.
This is not a future vision concept for some utopian reality.
For the last few years, our sector specific enterprise partners in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and myself at ONE have been implementing these frameworks and solution stacks with real time positive stats on the ground.
Complex problems require complex solutions, though all complexity begins with scalable simplicity. So, whilst the full vision of ONE requires deeper investments to scale our networks forward, these new frames of perception have already contributed to improving the quality of life for millions of people, in key sectors like food security and agriculture, forestry and ecosystem services, real estate and smart mobility services, and spatial web based digital solutions for new economic foundations.
NOW we can flip this old economic paradigm and our future free!
We are all born into wealth on this paradise of a planet we call home.
Our living mother planet produces time for all life.
All producers make more time available for living or consuming life.
All consumption is about spending time.
When we allow complications between where value is produced, or where time is made, and where value is experienced, or where time is spent, to become more important than this direct connection, we waste our own time!
That’s all that’s ever happened to our civilisation.
In our adolescent ignorance as a species, we have given up our birthrights to the time that was always ours. Outsourcing our own rights to a few managers between those who make time and those who spend time, is now stealing everyone’s time…including their own!
Now none of us can afford this nonsense. Stop wasting our time. We can now empower every single value producer to trade the time they make with every single value consumer who wants to spend the time to enjoy it.
That’s all living life is. The quality of time.
Let’s enjoy it!
Promoting ecology though art and technology.
3 年How do we start using it?