Oneness-How to reach level 7 in a practical way.
The goal of oneness is to related to both a personal level and a universal level. In this article oneness is discussed both theoretically and practically, but the emphasis is on the practical application of oneness.
"In 2010, one of the most respected scientists in the world, Robert Lanza, published a book titled Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding The True Nature of the Universe.
An expert in regenerative medicine and the scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company, Lanza is also very interested in quantum mechanics and astrophysics, an interest that led him on a path to developing his theory of biocentrism: the theory that life and consciousness are fundamental to understanding the nature of our reality, and that consciousness comes prior to the creation of the material universe."
There are now dozens of articles from those studying quantum mechanics who are making similar statements to Lanza.
Theoretical "oneness" according to Cognitive Principle Matrix.[CPM]
?The 3-Part Brain -Space/Time & Emotions According to Physicist Michio Kaku the three parts of the brain are operating as follows:
- “Reptilian (brain stem): Is in space and reacts to instincts.
- Mammalian (limbic, midbrain): Is in emotions related to self and others.
- Neommalian (cortex, forebrain): Is in time and controls memory.”
The following diagram shows the connection between self and the universe based on the 3-Part Brain theory.
- Self- Goal is to rise above your human nature of greed [what I want] and fear [what I don't want]. Your head [time], heart [self& others] & gut [space] brains react to greed and fear indifferent ways, however your spirit brain doesn't, it sees yourself as whole, without fear or greed.
- Universe- Goal is to rise above the concept that time, space, self and others are separate from each other. It was universal consciousness that created time, space and the separation of self and others.
The spiritual brain and universal consciousness are the same.
Practical application of oneness according to CPM.
In the cognitive principle matrix [CPM] there are six spiritual principles. The top three are used to create oneness, they are unconditional giving, unconditional acceptance and hope.
What is unconditional giving?
Unconditional giving can relate to giving away material possessions and not expecting anything back, therefore there can be no greed. However, in CPM unconditional giving relates to level 5 principles, which are the relationship principles of trust, respect, acceptance and commitment.
The traditional view was for the parent to say to the child "I will trust and respect you if you give me trust and respect back." This statement became a core value of the child and they would communicate with all people on the same basis. The problem becomes if you do not get trust and respect back it causes you to become negative, critical and in some people, resentful. The paradox is that by expecting it back, but not getting it back, weakens your trust and respect.
The CPM view is you give unconditional trust and respect, however, you give rules, boundaries and consequences to the person you are giving the trust and respect to. You will always trust and respect them, but you give them higher and higher consequences if they fail to give you trust and respect back. You are disappointed in them when they break the rules, but you do not take it personally and therefore you not hurt or weakened. The CPM rule is "don't let weak people, weaken you." The main benefit is, that if trust and respect are returned, then you are grateful. Gratitude is then built into yourself and not an after thought for something good that has been received.
What is unconditional acceptance.
Lessons from Steven Kotler’s 2014 book “The Rise of Superman”
The book was the research into high levels of flow produced by high risk adventurers who overcame fear by unconditionally accepting the risks. The risk takers had knowledge, skill, experience and passion as a prerequisite for performance. Quotes from the book are:
- High-risk adventure tended to amplify not only mental performance, but physical performance as well.
- Most people live in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul’s resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger
- Great emergencies and crisis show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
- Fatigue gets worse up to a certain critical point, when gradually or suddenly it passes away, and we are fresher than before. We have evidently tapped a level of new energy, masked until then by the fatigue-obstacle usually obeyed. There may be layer after layer of this experience. A third and a fourth “wind” may supervene. Mental activity shows the phenomenon as well as physical, and in exceptional cases we may find, beyond the very extremity of fatigue-distress, amounts of ease and power that we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength habitually not taxed at all, because habitually we never push through the obstruction, never pass those early critical points.”
- In fact, when Csikszentmihalyi dove deeper into the data, he discovered that the happiest people on earth, the ones who felt their lives had the most meaning, were those who had the most peak experiences.
- Certainly, risk is needed for flow, but if you don’t want to take physical risks, take mental risks. Take social risks. Emotional risks. Creative risks. Especially creative risks.
Unconditional acceptance is a peak spiritual principle, it requires considerable drive.
Hope Versus a Goal
- A Goal is a future event in space and time
- Hope is knowing the event has occurred before the journey to the goal begins.
CPM uses an adaption of Raichles’ Attentional Network model shown below:
Note: Oneness at Level 7 is the old level 5 in the above diagram.
Deliberately giving up control to the subconscious mind by not thinking [TPN neutral] and trusting the predictive mind [intuition] to work using the DMN in creative mode. This level can only work if the person has hope. It is characterized by:
- Understanding what spiritual hope is knowing the outcome before it has occurred. This is confidence, the type described in Steven Kotler's 2014 book "The Rise of Superman."
- It relies on having enough knowledge, skill and experience to feel confident in the outcome.
- The goal "what I want" is recalled, but only to bring it to the attention of the subconscious mind, then thinking ceases [TPN-neutral]
- The "How do I achieve it" is left to the subconscious mind using the other three brains, namely, the heart, the gut and the spirit as shown below:
The goal is converted to hope and the predictive mind is used as follows:
- The predictive mind works one million times faster than the comparative mind operating in conscious mode. It works from the bottom up to provide the next step in the pathway, when the pathway is unknown to the conscious mind. It has access to both implicit and explicit memory.
- The predictive mind also works from the top down. It does not rely on conscious feedback to determine where more knowledge, skill and experience is required, it predicts where to get it.
Oneness is achieved when:
- The conscious brain stops thinking [doing nothing]
- The conscious mind is focused on "Now"
- There is no fear because there is unconditional acceptance and commitment to the goal, now called hope.
- Unconditional trust and respect is given to those they engage with, because rules boundaries and consequences are built into the unconditional giving.
- The four brains are connected and aligned to the goal.
- The spiritual brain is activated and wisdom is produced.
The level 7 experience of hope, love, peace and joy occurs before entering the pathway towards the goal because the outcome is “known”. This is oneness.