ONEforest Final Conference - Day 1

ONEforest Final Conference - Day 1

Day 1 of the #ONEforestFinalEvent has concluded with flair!?

The event kicked off with an electrifying lineup of speakers including Pablo Sabín , CEO of Cesefor , Sandra Krommes , from Technische Hochschule Rosenheim and Coordinator of ONEforest project , Guillermo Fernández Centeno, advisor of the Forestry Policy Sub-Directorate from Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico , and José Angel Arranz, Managing Director on Natural Heritage and Forest Policy of Junta de Castilla y León .?

Sandra Krommes
Pablo Sabín
Guillermo Fernández Centeno
José Angel Arranz

As the Catalonian Case Study Region took center stage in Spain, ONEForest partners unveiled their groundbreaking results, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. The audience showed keen interest in replicating and transferring our Multi-Criteria Decision Support System to other regions. Indeed, it's possible, but experts must first define the indicators specific to the selected region.

ONEforest partners

And let's not forget the networking frenzy that ensued, with key players like European Forest Institute, the #ERIAFFNetwork, the Mediterranean Model Forest Network, the EFI Bioregions Facility, and the InnovaWood network & 联合国粮农组织 SilvaMediterranea paving the way for #forestinnovation and stakeholder synergies.?

Samuele Pii – Tuscany Region on behalf of the ERIAFF Secretariat
Toni Ventre - Mediterranean Network Secretary
Inazio Martinez – European Forestry Institute
Vanesa Ba?o – Innovawood Secretariat
Giovanbattista De Dato - Silvamed Secretariat

Mr. Tamas Szedlak, from the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of European Commission , shed light on the EU's financial opportunities in the forestry sector, setting the stage for an enlightening afternoon.?

But first, attendees indulged in a Spanish lunch, followed by a guided tour of poster presentations - each pitch lasting a tantalizing 5 minutes!?

After an amazing lunch to fuel up for the afternoon, we delved into pressing questions: How can we enhance the resilience of #EUforests and their associated value chains? Who decides when and where innovation should take place? Is language the key barrier in forestry projects? And how do we ensure the sustainable use of wood and non-wood products through small-scale forest management? EU-funded projects such as RESONATE, EUFORE , FOREST4EU Project , and SMURF - The forest owners' project shed light on these issues through their work.

Sara Uzquiano - European Forestry Institute
Alex Giurca - European Forestry Institute
Francesca Giannetti - University of Florence
álvaro Picardo - Fundación Cesefor

Coffee with sweets accompanied the second round of the poster exhibition, showcasing additional #EUprojects and fostering EU forestry networking with great success.

And as the day culminated in riveting round table discussions:?

What's next in forestry innovation? Participants emphasised the importance of efficiently utilising used wood and implementing resource planning for wood supply, the need to close the loop, rethink the governance structure, taking into account the needs of rural society, enhance digitalisation in rural areas, and explore the potential of AI in this sector. Additionally, there was a call for better knowledge transfer between regions and ensuring continuity after the conclusion of EU projects to retain the capacity building gained.

Is there room for improvement in the #EUforestryPolicy? Participants highlighted the need to engage more foresters in the policy-making process, improve coordination between policies, integrate innovation, allow time for stakeholders to consider implementation strategies, and enhance messaging and communication, while also prioritising public education.

A resounding applause to all participants - both onsite and online!?

Certainly! Huge gratitude to our exceptional moderator, Riccardo Castellini , and the incredible Cesefor team for orchestrating this event flawlessly. Your efforts are truly appreciated, and we're deeply thankful for making this event a reality!

Tomorrow, on day 2 of #ONEforestFinalEvent, we'll have parallel sessions organised by some participating projects and networks.

Stay tuned for the conference videos and posters, coming soon online!


Sandra Krommes

Forschen und Lehren für Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

11 个月

Many thanks to CESEFOR. It was a wonderful final conference of the EU project ONEforest. We had the opportunity to present the results of the project and discuss them with different forest networks. Fantastic.

Rolf D. Schlunze

Growing strong Management Geography (ManGeo) Research Group, advising about corporate spatial responsibility.

11 个月

One interesting question discussed was "Is language the key barrier in forestry projects?"?Sure! Bureaucrats and administrators are ignoring opportunities to speak with experts and stop listening to practioneers when they get busy with their own career prospects. This is what I experienced in Japan so far. I wonder how the question was answered during the conference in Europe then.



