OneApp and GDPR
Michael Shuster
Providing companies and organisations with instant access to information whenever and wherever required.
I've attended and listened attentively at a number of GDPR workshops and, if I’m honest, cannot profess to fully knowing all that I'm sure I’m supposed to know.
But I don’t think I’m alone, so I don’t feel so bad.
I was having a conversation with somebody this morning who asked whether OneApp would be useful from a GDPR perspective.
With the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica issue high in the news cycle, I thought I’d offer the following.
I don’t know if using OneApp to present information is helpful under GDPR.
But what I do know is that the OneApp system does not have individual end user accounts or CRM synchronisation. It does not have a user registration process or user profile; or enable external user input or information sharing.
It is simply a system for ‘information out’ … only client administrators can manage content and, though they can set up the system so that specific information is accessible to specific groups or individuals, the extent of data that we hold is an email address (and this doesn’t even have to be real one as it does not link to or action anything).
One area that I do think is really interesting, though, is that presenting information via OneApp is almost counter-intuitive from conventional marketing practice.
Every marketing agent will tell you that you have to capture visitor data … so that you can process it, maniuplate it and then better target your follow up and sales activities.
My thought is … wouldn’t it be great if OneApp can give the power back to the user?
Enable them to consume your content, receive your messages and notifications and form views about you … without you knowing who they are?
And then get in touch with you when they are ready to do so.